Colombian Frijoles or Red Beans

Kolumbianische rote Bohnen

Today you will get Colombian red beans or frijoles, yay! I really enjoy eating these and the recipe below was invented by my husband who tweaked the family recipe to his liking. Red beans are served all throughout Latin America. My friends are often surprised when they realize that Colombian red beans are mild in flavor as many immediately think of spicy red beans from Mexico or Brazil. However, rest assured, these beans are not spicy as they are flavored with cilantro and other equally mild herbs.

Kolumbianische rote BohnenAnother feature of Colombian cuisine is the so-called “guso”, which is a mix of tomatoes, spring onions, and garlic. Minced meat is usually marinated overnight with this sauce and, you probably have guessed it, are also cooked with the red beans to give them their distinct flavor.

Kolumbianische rote BohnenIn addition to cilantro and the “guiso” my husband likes to serve this recipe with pork belly. So this is NOT a vegetarian dish. The pork belly gives the beans some creamier texture and extra flavor. I have tried without and have to say that it definitely takes away, so I can only recommend to sticking to the recipe.

Colombian Frijoles or Red Beans

Serves: 6-7 persons
Prep Time: About 10 hrs Cooking Time: 2hr 10min

Colombian frijoles or red beans are a creamy stew made with red beans and a few vegetables. Perfect on the side of rice.


  • 500 grams of dry red beans

  • Vegetable Broth
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onions
  • 1 stalk celery
  • One bunch parsley
  • One bunch cilantro
  • 2 bay leaves

  • 200 grams of fresh pork belly
  • 5-6 spring onions
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 4 tomatos
  • 1 bunch of cilantro
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • Salt and pepper to taste



Soak the red beans in plenty of water overnight. You need to cover them with at least two to three centimeters of water as they will soak up everything overnight. If needed, add further water the next morning. Drain when ready and set aside.


Prepare the vegetable broth by roughly cutting the carrots, slicing the onion in half and cutting parsley and cilantro. Fry the carrot and onion for a few minutes on the bottom of your pot to bring out the flavor a bit more. Add two liters of water and the herbs and bring everything to a boil. Simmer for about 45 minutes. Discard vegetables and keep the vegetable broth. Cook the beans with the prepared vegetable broth in the pressure cooker for about 45min according to instructions.


Cut the pork belly in large rectangles, cut the spring onions and dice the garlic. Grate tomoatoes as you would grate cheese and chop up cilantro. Add all these ingredients and the cumin to your beans. Cook everything combined for about 40min, add further water if necessary. The beans should be soft and the stew reach a bit creamier consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve with additional fresh cilantro and with some rice. The beans will taste even better the following day. When reheating, add a bit of water first.

Kolumbianische rote Bohnen

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  • Reply
    Friday December 4th, 2020 at 12:38 PM

    Hi Jenny, ich habe gerade das Rezept mit roten kolumbianischen Bohnen gefunden. Ich habe die bei einem Aufenthalt in bogota kennengelernt und würde sie gern kaufen. Gibt es eine bezugssdresse ?
    Und ich hätte gern ein Rezept für die Tomatenpaste.
    Vielen Dank !

    • Reply
      Friday December 4th, 2020 at 02:33 PM

      Liebe Barbara,
      also, wir finden die mittlerweile auch im Rewe als trockene Bohnen. Aber im Edeka, Kaufland usw. solltest du auf jeden Fall fündig werden.
      Deine zweite Frage verstehe ich nicht, Tomatenpaste gibt es in diesem Rezept nicht, nur frische Tomaten. Magst du mich aufklären?

  • Reply
    Tuesday July 6th, 2021 at 05:39 PM

    Hallo Jenny
    Ich würde gerne deine kolumbianischen roten Bohnen nach kochen.
    Könnte man das auch mit Dosen Kidneybohnen machen?

    • Reply
      Tuesday July 6th, 2021 at 05:45 PM

      Puh, noch nie probiert, deshalb kann ich dir nicht wirklich Auskunft geben. Falls du es machst, gib Bescheid. Aus der Dose müsste man natürlich nicht weichen und kochen.

  • Reply
    Sunday February 6th, 2022 at 07:37 PM

    Hallo Jenny,
    wie lange muss man die Bohnen denn in einem normalen Topf kochen? Ich habe leider keinen Schnellkochtopf.

    • Reply
      Sunday February 6th, 2022 at 07:44 PM

      Liebe Sophia, ich nehme an mindestens eine Stunde, aber da musst du wahrscheinlich einfach ausprobieren, ob sie dann schon weich sind oder ob es evtl. länger dauert. Länger als anderthalb Stunden glaube ich aber nicht.
      Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn du dich nochmal meldest, wenn du es ausprobiert hast, dann würde ich das Rezept aktualisieren. Grüße, Jenny

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