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Bavarian Pretzels with Overnight Rise

“Brezen” is the Bavarian word for pretzels and today I am going to introduce these to you. So far I have only bought this staple here in Munich, Germany. I was always scared of the lye bath, which is required for a true Bavarian pretzel. However, I finally decided to give it a try and have to say, wow, homemade and from scratch taste so much better than bought, even if from a nice bakery! So today I will do my best to guide you to these. Beware, even in Germany there are differences in how pretzels are made. I will explain below, I hope I can interest you in making these.

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My Favorite Kaiserschmarrn – Broken-up Pancakes with Plum Compote

Kaiserschmarrn with Zwetschgenröster aka broken-up pancake from Austria with plum compote, wow, you asked on Instagram unanimously that I publish the recipe, what a surprise! So your wish is my command, let me introduce you to this recipe, which I happen to make about every other week. My husband and me enjoy this for a weekend breakfast, but I also often make it to introduce guests to German/Austrian cuisine. I probably could be woken up at 3 in the morning and I would manage to produce kaiserschmarrn without a problem and from memory. You need to separate eggs? Not a problem. You don’t have a kitchen scale at hand? I will somehow figure it out. Once I even beat the egg whites by hand with a fork, you do need quite a bit of arm muscle, but it worked. Kaiserschmarrn is something everybody loves and can be practically served any time of the day, as a main dish, as dessert, for breakfast, you name it. This is the most traditional version of kaiserschmarrn. My husband and me agree that it is particularly good with plum compote. So let’s get to work and make some classic recipe!

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Bavarian Zwetschgendatschi or German Plum Cake

Zwetschgendatschi aus Bayern

Finally it is plum time! For that reason you get Bavarian Zwetschgendatschi or plum cake today. Since I have been living in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, for more than a year, I need to introduce some local traditions and one of them definitely is Zwetschgendatschi. There are a lots of fights about what is the most classic version of this iconic dish. You can either prepare it with yeast dough or a pie crust, you may wish to only serve it with plums for them to shine. I, however, am a huge fan of crumbs or streusel and therefore decided to go with the crumb version. If you don’t want to wait for the yeast dough to rise, you can also make this plum tart, which I like just the same. For more recipes with plums, check this article.

Zwetschgendatschi aus Bayern Continue Reading…