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Scottish Cheese Scones

I was in Scotland for the first time in my life. Went on a holiday with my hubby. We managed to go during the most magical time, which was end of September, beginning of October. Conclusion: Scotland is so extremly beautiful, I want to go back immediately! Of course we tried lots of Scottish classics such as haggis. It took very little time to realize that every tiny (“wee” in Scottish) café would offer a soup of the day. I mean, it probably comes as no surprise, it was windy, it was chilly, and I can imagine the winter months to be long in Scotland. A nice soup is perfect to warm up. Usually this soup was served with thick (!) slices of sourdough bread or cheese scones made with cheddar. I believe in the US and Canada these would be considered “biscuits” as they were also cut round and also had a lot of layers. The best cheese scones I tried in Scotland were the ones from Bad Girl Bakery in Inverness (I was not paid to say this). Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture, I was so busy enjoying this super delicious cheese scone, I completely forgot. You can get a peek on the Insta of Bad Girl Bakery if you want. Regardless, I was determined to reproduce this delicious cheese scone.

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