My mom loves flan, which can be best described as a dense custard dish with a caramel topping. Originally it is from Spain and became very popular in all of Latin America. There are two good reasons to make flan. A) it comes together in a jiffy, it seriously can be done in ten minutes, the rest is taken care of by the oven and fridge and b) you will need to make it in advance. It has to chill in the fridge for a few hours or overnight, so this is perfect for any celebration. For that reason I thought that this flan, as unusual as it may seem, will be perfect for Mother’s Day. Barely any work, very diffiult to screw up, yet so delicious, maybe you can make it for your mom as well?
This coconut cake from Venezuela is called “bienmesabe” (this tastes delicious) for a good reason. If you are a coconut lover, this cake is for you. Coconut sponge is filled with a coconut cream and then covered in meringue and toasted coconut flakes. Not really sure if you can corporate even more coconut flavor into a cake.
Guys, we need to celebrate! We need to celebrate as we managed to move within the city of Munich, we need to celebrate as it has been three years since my horrible bike accident and I don’t have any permanent damage. We all need to celebrate as during COVID19 we need to hold on to special moments and celebrate life. In this monochromatic time when working from home means that every day looks exactly the same, we need to put time aside to enjoy the moment. For that reason I brought a fruity and moist Piña Colada cake to the party. It contains some coconut sponges, which are filled with pineapple filliing and is then frosted with a coconut yoghurt cream. Of course it is also soaked in some rum. In my opinion this is the perfect cake if you wish to celebrate.
I am happy to say that Lizet from the blog Chipa by the Dozen (English and Spanish) agreed to also post a recipe for my blog event Invite to a Coffee. You have time until March 15, 2018 to take part, if you are interested, please check further details here.
That’s because Lizet lives in Paraguay even though she is Bolivian and therefore has a lot of Latin American recipes on her blog Chipa by the Dozen (chipa are a type of cheese bread I am determined to also share on my blog in the future). I also feel that the treat she brought has an interesting Latin American twist, but let’s give the floor to her.