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Scottish Tablet or Fudge

I think I have mentioned that we went to Scotland in fall. You know what we ate a lot? Tablet or Scottish fudge. Their version is slightly harder, it has a more sandy texture. Funnily enough, my husband knows something pretty similar from Colombia, which he calls “panelitas”. Obviously I had to give this candy a try once we made it back to Munich, Germany. So I quickly looked up some recipes and gave it a go. However, the first batch didn’t really turn out great, it turned rock hard and was extremely sandy. So I had to try again. I scoured the Internet and found the Youtube channel “Granny’s Scottish Kitchen“. This lady has a very unique method, she does it at very low temperature. Yes, you will have a pot on the stovetop for at least an hour, but I was like, sure, let’s try. And alas, her recipe worked. I like its simplicity, you don’t need to stir often, you don’t need any thermometer, you just have to wait for the right consistency and you are golden. Are you interested?

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