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Pumpkin Roll with Apple Buttercream

Kürbisbiskuitrolle mit Apfelcreme

Pumpkin roll with apple buttercream? Pumpkin doesn’t play a very important role in baking here in Germany. At least until recently. No, we have not yet discovered its use for cheesecake and the like.

Can I confess something? I have never been a big fan of pumpkin pie. I know, kill me know. But I just don’t like the flavor that much. I have tried my share of pumpkin pies, but still. That’s why I have ignored pumpkin mainly in baking.

But then I met my hubby and hubby is a big fan of pumpkin pie. So I started looking for good recipes. This recipe is currently his favorite. If you like pumpkin pie, try it, it is great. But as stated, I didn’t get excited. Because I don’t like such a dominant pumpkin flavor.

Kürbisbiskuitrolle mit Apfelcreme

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