I can’t believe that 2018 is almost over, so many things happened! I distinctly remember my bike accident I had in April. It included hemorrhage, hospitalization and a long road to recovery. I am extremely grateful that I have fully recovered and don’t have any permanent damage. For this really is a miracle. For that reason we had to celebrate here on the blog, we made a gigantic cookie with a cookie monster on top, you will find the recipe here. Or the fact that we are actually moving back to Munich from Hamburg. I am not from Munich originally, but happened to live there for three years some time ago. I am excited to be moving back and see what 2019 will have in store.
OK, I have to say something heretical. The letter or number cakes as you can see here have disappointed me. Yes, you read right. I expected something as good as my beloved sponge roll with strawberry cream, at least if you make the cakes with sponge cake. The strawberry cream is a dream come true with a fluffy and light sponge cake. It has this light feeling to it, I expected this light feeling when I took my first bite from below letter cakes. And then I was disappointed. As I made rather narrow letters, the dough tasted crunchy, gooey, just not good. Even though I was happy about the additional fresh fruits, the better ratio of cream versus sponge cake, I was not happy. I wanted my favorite roll! I was depressed.