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Lemon Tart/Tartelette au Citron

lemon tartelette

I have been encouraged by a lot of people to start yet another baking blog. I know that there are already a million out there. So why create another one? Baking, in my opinion, is about sharing, it is about inviting others to a special treat. It may sound a bit pathetic, but I bake to bring joy to others. If somebody comes to me after having eaten something I baked and asks for the recipe, I feel happy and grateful. Sharing recipes is what this blog is all about. Yes, there are a million baking blogs out there, I know. I simply want to share some of the recipes I have enjoyed and I know others might enjoy as much. As there are so many good recipes out there already, I usually don’t create my own, but modify the existing ones to my liking. I always rewrite the recipes in my own words and I always link back to the original (you will find the link on top of the recipe). The pictures on this blog are all taken by me if not indicated otherwise and I have full copyright. I bake at home, I don’t have a KitchenAid (yet) and usually I don’t require fancy utensils.

lemon tarteletteFor my first recipe I chose a lemon tartelette. I chose this recipe, because I am in need of some color. Winter has been dragging on and I would like to sprinkle my surroundings with some fresh yellow. If you have ever been to France and tried a real tartelette au citron, you never want to go back. So tangy, so good! I especially like the little almond flour of the pastry dough, which complements the strong lemon flavor.

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