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Two Recipes for a Smash Cake

Have you heard of the tradition of smashing a cake for the first birthday of a baby?  It is called “cake smash” and the tradition was established in the United States. Now it has become popular in Germany as well. I have to say, I am quite a bit jealous. Even as an adult I wouldn’t mind smashing a cake, you know. So being allowed as a baby to do that and being photographed, well, what is not to like? Today I am going to give you two recipes for a smash cake. Since babies are smaller, I would recommend going for a 15-18cm/6 inch cake instead of a 26cm/9inch one. One of the most crucial aspects of a smash cake is the frosting. You want to be sure it holds up nicely and it is something pleasant for the baby. The recipe below is for a vanilla cake with strawberry filling. You will also see a chocolate cake pictured, which contains a lot of zucchini to make it somewhat “healthier”. I included both recipes for your convenience. Below you will also find some tips on what is relevant for a proper cake prepared for a smash.

Rezept für einen Smash CakeFeatured photo and this one from baby photographer Chen Reissl Continue Reading…

School Cone Cake


So I started school in Germany back in the days. And you may not know it, but it is super common to have a school cone on the first day. However, I didn’t. Because we had moved from Uruguay recently and were not familiar with the traditions for your first school day. At least I had a proper rectangle school bag, it was purple and I was so proud! Every summer break I would scrub it and make it shine. I used it for many years. But to get back, I didn’t have the famous school cone, which contains sweets and materials for your first day of school. So I had to make sure when it was my niece’s turn for her first day of school, that we would have a cake look like a school cone. She of course had a proper school cone. The below cake pictures the one I made for her. It is slightly different, but I decided to show the pictures to make you realize how versatile the chocolate cake actually is. And also how easy and simple. I swear, this cake is so easy to make, it really comes together quickly. The recipe below gives you an idea of how to fill it with a cream and cherry pie filling. I hope you will enjoy!

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Banana Ice Cream with Chocolate Chips and Peanut Butter

Schoko-Bananeneis mit Erdnussbutter

It seems to be Murphy’s law, have you ever tempered eggs? The one time it didn’t work for me was when I tried to demonstrate it to my husband. Of course. The one time I show it to my hubby, it fails. Tempering eggs is a common technique for making ice cream, so I decided to give this banana chocolate ice cream with peanut butter a try. I got it from the German blog Evchen kocht. Ironically, it worked for me perfectly again, of course, probably because my husband was not watching.

Schoko-Bananeneis mit Erdnussbutter Continue Reading…

Simple Cherry Cake for a Picnic

Einfacher Kirschkuchen

This simple cherry cake has a little embarassing backstory. I once baked this cake many years ago when I was going to college. I remember, it was during one of these horrible times when there were like tons of exams and I was studying like there was no tomorrow. It felt like my brain was a hardware drive and had to be fully deleted and swiped clean just to be crammed again with data and facts for the next exam. It was during this time that my roommate asked for the recipe because she enjoyed it the first time around. She had planned to make it for her family visiting. And I simply didn’t remember anymore where I got it from, my brain, my hard drive had gone blank. However, I was too ashamed to admit to not knowing, so I simply did some research and gave her a recipe I found. Unfortunately, the recipe I had passed on to her was not nearly as good. But I kept quiet, I was too embarassed. Years later when I flipped through the very old cookbook my mom had given to me from the famous German brand Dr. Oetker, I realized that actually this was the recipe I had used back then. So, Susann, if you are reading this, it had nothing to do with your baking abilities, I simply had passed on the wrong recipe to you! Sorry for that.

Einfacher Kirschkuchen Continue Reading…

Summery Peach Pie


This summery peach pie is exactly what I need right now. I made the pie crust with buttermilk. Obviously, you can go for the regular pie crust, but I figured, why not try? Pie is something I love in summer, there are so many fruit options in summer. Since we had very ripe and juicy peaches being offered, I decided to go for a peach pie. Who wants a piece or two?

Pfirsich-Pie Continue Reading…

Meringue Cake from Mexico or mostachón de fresas

Mostachón de fresas, mexikanischer Kuchen

Today we have a Mexican cake from the north called “mostachón de fresas.” Its base is a nut-based meringue (including crackers) a cream-cheese topping and of course strawberries. I learned that you can basically decorate with any kind of fruit. In Mexico mangos are pretty popular, but I figured since we have strawberry season and strawberries are also popular for this cake, I would stick to the traditional version. It may sound like a strange combination, especially the salty crackers, but my husband and me loved it.

Mostachón de fresas, mexikanischer Kuchen Continue Reading…

Moist Elderflower Lemon Cake


When Meghan Markle and Prince Harry got married in May 2018, the combination of lemon and elderflower were all the rage. Yes, I also made a mini three-tiered elderflower lemon cake. Today, I decided to give this combo another chance. This year elderflowers are in full bloom at the moment, so you may even have the chance to make the cordial yourself. The new version of this royal combination contains moist lemon sponge cakes, lemon curd and a heavy cream and mascarpone filling infused with elderflower cordial. My cake only has one tier and I decided to decorate it with dried flowers and some fresh elderflowers. However, it is up to you how you want to decorate your cake.

Zitronen-Holunder-Torte Continue Reading…

Give Away for World Bee Day and Honey Lavender Bundt Cake


May 20th is the worldwide Bee Day. For that reason I decided to publish a recipe with honey, today you will get a honey lavender bundt cake. In addition, I am giving away 1x honey jar from Münchner Honig, which was produced by the bees you see pictured here, 1x set of bee wax papers from Little bee fresh and 2x seeds to make a tiny meadow on your balcony to give the bees some flowers to take nectar from. How to be part of this, I explain below.

Did you know that working bees only live for six weeks? During that time they produce about a teaspoon of honey. Next time you complain about the price of honey, you know why. Considering that bees need to fly three times around the earth in order to produce one jar of honey, I would say honey is pretty cheap, don’t you think?

There are about 1,000 beekepers in Munich alone. Beekeeper Ines Zirnbauer runs Münchner Honig, so honey from Munich as a hobby. She was kind enough to allow me to take pictures of her while she was bee-keeping. While doing that, I learned a lot about bees. I am still amazed as to how much a bee is able to do (they have different jobs during their lives). At least I was not aware how much effort is put in one jar of honey. To think that for below recipe about 85 bees had to work all of their lives in order to produce the honey needed… wow, I never thought about that.

Honig-Lavendel-Gugelhupf Continue Reading…

Decadent Nutella Chocolate Cake

Umwerfend leckere Schoko-Nutellatorte mit Heidelbeeren

Finally, this is a chocolate and Nutella lover’s dream come true. Decadent, delicious, and so, so good! It may be rather small in diameter (18cm/7inches), but my, my, my. As this is a very tall cake (14cm), you can serve very small pieces and still serve a crowd. Let me introduce you to a chocolate cake with Nutella filling and frosting and a lot of blueberries.

Wir feiern mit Heidelbeer-Nutella-Torte Continue Reading…

Pavlova with Mango

Pavlova mit Mango

Pavlova, a meringue nest with whipped cream and mango filling, who wants a piece? I am going to introduce this recipe from Australia/New Zealand to you. Reason for this being my hubby, who requested pavlova for our 12-year anniversary. There is a similar recipe in Colombia, called merengón with berries, whipped cream and meringue. No wonder that he wanted something similar. Pavlova is, compared to meringue, slightly different. You do have a crunchy outside, yet since you fold in a bit of cornstarch and vingear, the inside remains creamy (see picture below) which is similar to marshmallows. Does this sound like something you are into? Then you should give pavlova a try.

Pavlova mit Mango Continue Reading…