What did you say? Sourdough in brownies? Seriously??? Yes, this was my reaction as soon as I saw a recipe calling for sourdough in brownies on the Internet. Why do you need to add sourdough to brownies, that sounds so strange! I have been pondering that ever since and it is slowly making more sense. If you think about it, sourdough is basically fermented flour, which is much easier to digest than regular flour. IDuring Corona times it looks like everybody was making bread and I had heard of people lamenting the fact that they had to discard so much sourdough, so why not use instead? After a while I was sold and thought, if the sourdough is a little old and may smell just a little like alcohol, even better, I definitely wanted to give these brownies a try!
I have to admit, I am not that much into vegan cakes, but with this vegan chocolate raspberry cake I may be converted. I honestly can’t say whether I prefer this one to the non-vegan version. It all starts with a moist chocolate layer cake. I love the fact that you basically have to throw the ingredients together, whisk them and that’s about it. The raspberry filling is also the perfect companion for the chocolate. And don’t get me started on the frosting. It only contains two ingredients: chocolate and coconut cream, yum! And don’t worry, the coconut flavor is very subtle, I don’t really like coconut and I had a hard time tasting it, so I am sure you will be fine.
It is a shame that I haven’t posted that many bundt cakes on my blog yet. Seriously, I love bundt cakes, they are so German! And when we moved inside of Germany and I was holding my bundt cake form, I thought, well, it is about time to finally make another bundt cake again! So I decided to go with a fruity one, I love raspberries, so this time I wanted to make a delicious bundt cake with raspberry filling. It is made with yeast dough, filled with raspberries and then rolled up in the bundt cake. The yeast basically does most of the work, so don’t worry, you will have this cake ready in no time!
Many people are intimidated by yeast, but you really don’t have to be. Think of yeast as a living thing, which is actually is. I like to compare yeast to a woman in winter, yeast always likes it cozy and warm, not necessarily hot, but nice and warm. As long as you take care of that and your yeast is active, I promise, it is not that hard to deal with, give it a go!
Once you have the dough prepared, you will roll it out into a rectangle and smear the raspberry filling on top. Think of it as a cinnamon roll, because you do exactly the same, you smear the raspberries on, roll it up, but then you will place this roll into the bundt cake form. I find it so exciting cutting into the rather plain looking cake.