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Healthy Melon Cake for a Summer Party

Gesunde Melonentorte ohne backen für die Sommerparty

You don’t want to turn on the oven, but would like to impress your guests with a two, three, or even four-tier cake? If possible, it should be healthy and nice to look at? Look no further, you need to try this melon cake! Yes, this is basically serving fresh fruit, but not just a salad or simply on a plate, no, here you stack melon onto each other and produce a tiered cake! So here you have it, a tiered cake with no gluten, refined sugar, and completely vegan. This is something for health-conscious people. And it is nice to look at and definitely a show-stopper. No matter if you make this in a large size or as I did in a smaller version, I am sure that your guests are going to be impressed.

Gesunde Melonentorte ohne backen für die Sommerparty Continue Reading…