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Gingerbread House with Video and Printable

Lebkuchenhaus oder Knusperhaus zu Weihnachten

Guys, it was so, so much fun baking, decorating, assembling, and also filming this gingerbread house (video further down below). You can’t imagine how wonderful this was. Probably because this year is different and so I needed to relax even more than usual. I dare say that I have become a gingerbread expert over the years. You need to know that I always decorate our tree with gingerbread, I also make tiny gingerbread houses you can actually place on your mug every year. I have learned a lot making gingerbread over and over again. And today I am going to share with you how to make this gingerbread house from scratch. You will find a recipe for a sturdy house, lots of helpful hints and tips, a recipe for royal icing and a video showing the entire process. I have traditionally made a gingerbread house for the first of advent for several years. I just love when the entire apartment smells like cinnamon and other spices throughout December. So let’s get started!

Lebkuchenhaus oder Knusperhaus zu Weihnachten Continue Reading…

How to Make Flowers with Buttercream

Tulpen aus Buttercreme

Have I mentioned that I hate fondant? I really don’t get it. You see a wedding cake with fondant and you know that whoever made that cake spent hours and hours on beautiful decoration with the fondant, there are flowers and little figures and you can only imagine how many hours it must have taken to prepare them. But what happens next, you see that all the guests happily reach for a piece and quickly get rid of the fondant because it is so ultra sweet. Nobody wants to eat it. I find that extremely sad. I will always say that flavor is so much more important than looks. But this does not mean that a flavorful cake needs to look boring! That’s why today I am going to introduce to you how to make flowers with buttercream. Below you will find lots of helpful tips and tricks and also a video for you to practice making different flowers with buttercream.

Verschiedene Blumen aus Buttercreme

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Fruity Raspberry Sponge Roll (with Video)

Fruchtige Himbeer-Biskuitrolle

This is a fairy dream come true. I made this fruity raspberry sponge roll the first time for our ten-year anniversary. Sooo good. This is a light and fluffy sponge base, filled with lots of raspberries and whipping cream infused with raspberry jam. This recipe is so delicious, I felt like filming it. So far there is only one more recipe video on my blog, if you would like to check out my brownie cookies, it has been the most popular recipe for a long time now. But let’s get back to this fruity raspberry sponge roll. I love sponge rolls because they only need between 8-9 minutes to bake. I find them perfect if you have company coming over. If you are a seasoned baker, you will be able to present a super delicious sponge roll in no time.

Fruchtige Himbeer-Biskuitrolle Continue Reading…

Moist Raspberry Chocolate Cake (with Video)

Saftige Himbeer-Schoko-Torte

Apparently I am not the only one who loves the combination of raspberries with chocolate. For that reason I am introducing today this moist raspberry chocolate layer cake. I was surprised that I got so many reactions when I posted the entire process and end-result as an Instagram story. I am not alone in my love for a things chocolate with some tart raspberries to offset the sweetness of the chocolate.

Saftige Himbeer-Schoko-Torte Continue Reading…

Traditional German Cinnamon Stars with Video

Die allerbesten und einfachsten Zimtsterne

These are the easiest and simplest cinnamon stars! I know, I am posting this recipe pretty late, you probably are all done with your Christmas baking. The reason I am doing this, is because I posted an Instagram story with several tips for making these. You all asked which recipe I was using and why the recipe is not on my blog yet. For that reason I decided to post this traditional German Christmas cookie: cinnamon stars! The recipe is completely gluten-free and only contains a few ingredients. The dough can be a bit finicky, my German bakers know what I am talking about. Below you will find several tips how to make them and for the recipe to turn out great.

Die allerbesten und einfachsten Zimtsterne Continue Reading…

Chocolate Brownie Cookies for Gloomy November Days (with Video)

Zartschmelzene Brownie-Cookies

Chocolate Brownie Cookies! Seriously, I can only recommend trying these! They are so melt-in-your mouth, it’s crazy! If you are a chocoholic like me, these are for you, they scream chocolate, chocoalte, and chocolate again. You need to know that I have tried my share of chocolate cookies, especially if I am in the mood for baking something with chocolate, but don’t want it to take too much time. Chocolate cookies are perfect for that occasion. Trust me, these cookies are for you if you want to whip up something quickly and that satisfies your chocolate cravings.

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Chipa: Paraguay’s Take on Cheese Bread (gluten free) with Video

Today I am introducing you to a Latin American speciality: chipa. Chipas are Paraguay’s take on cheese bread and it is naturally gluten free as it is prepared with manioc/tapioca/cassava flour. I know that it is probably not that easy for you to get your hands on this flour, but I can only encourage you to look for it, this bread is so delicious and can also be easily prepared as an appetizer, snack, or party food. If you have any Asian or Latin American store close-by, be sure to check it out, they usually do carry this flour.chipa from Paraguay Continue Reading…

Molten Lava Cake: Feeling Cozy (with Video)

Schokoladenküchlein mit flüssigem Kern

Can I confess something? I am a chocoholic and for that reason have an entire only chocolate category on this blog. I really don’t care, be it summer or winter, I will happily eat chocolate. Except for white chocolate. I don’t know why, but we simply don’t get along. But offer me any of its siblings and I am in. Be it milk chocolate or chocolate with 85% cocoa, I will eat it. I would say that my consumption of chocolate isn’t lower in summer, rather, it is higher in fall and winter. You can easily find me with something chocolaty in my hand while snuggling under a blanket. Chocolate is soulfood!

Schokoladenküchlein mit flüssigem Kern Continue Reading…

Soft Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies with Video

Weiche Chocolate-Chip-Pudding-Cookies

Let’s talk about cookies. Cookies are my comfort food. Cookies are the best. I prefer them to a fancy dessert any time. I know, I am crazy, but cookies call me from afar. They remind me of my childhood. They usually don’t require that much time to prepare and they are easy to freeze, to ship, to make somebody happy, including myself.

Weiche Chocolate-Chip-Pudding-Cookies

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