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Let’s start November with Chocolate Fudge with Peanut Butter Swirl

I have decided to theme November: gifts from the kitchen. I really enjoy gifting people with homemade baked goods. I often gift these cute animal cookies; since the last birth was a girl, I made some pink elephants and carried them in a jar (see the picture below). Another good gift is dulce de leche, caramel made from sweetened milk. Today we are going to make fudge with peanut butter swirl and salted peanuts. I made the fudge in a frying pan, so it didn’t take that long. The fudge pictured below was wrapped in parchment paper and then shipped out of the country. Yes, you can ship it and it will keep.  Continue Reading…

My Favorite Chicken Soup

Today I am going to introduce you to my favorite chicken soup, which was invented by my hubby. I am often asked how we do in the kitchen, and my answer always is, he cooks, I bake. There is a reason my blog is called “Jenny is baking”, I enjoy doing things step by step, measuring ingredients. Being exact is more my thing. I find it amazing that you can make so many different creations with flour, butter, sugar, and eggs. But let’s get back to the topic at hand: chicken soup. This soup is the perfect soul food. It contains delicious chicken shreds, creamy potatoes, carrots and peas as vegetables and is made with broth from scratch. I have been fortunate enough to eat this soup when I was sick and it did warm my soul.

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Viennese Apple Strudel

Viennese apple strudel, would you like a piece? Yes, we are going to make this beauty from scratch, strudel dough is actually not as hard as you may think. Just be sure you have enough time at hand when you make the dough because it needs a pretty long resting period. That was actually what I tried to ignore this time and that’s why my first dough had a lot of holes and couldn’t be strechted properly. So feel free to start the dough the day beforehand. Resting it more than a few hours, e.g. overnight is no problem at all, you just give the gluten more time to develop. And then you will be rewarded with a delicious dessert with lots of apple flavor!

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Lemon Posset in 15 minutes with 3 ingredients

Have you ever heard of lemon posset? Apparently this is a dessert from the UK and it contains three ingredients: lemons, heavy cream, and sugar. It is unbelievably easy to make and comes together in less than 15 minutes. Surprisingly, you don’t need any additional binder, no gelatine, no agar agar, the lemons themselves somehow work their magic for this to get to the creamy and mousse-like texture. Continue Reading…

Wintery Cranberry Cake with Lemon Sponge

And here it comes, a wintery cranberry cake with lemon sponge! Pshhhhht, this was the cake I baked for the 40th birthday of my husband and it was gone so quickly! This cake is tart and so perfect for a cold winter day. Yes, you can bake this cake also during another season in case you find fresh cranberries, however, I find it particularly refreshing in winter. So as stated, you will find airy lemon sponge cake combined with cranberry filling and a light mascarpone and cream frosting. So delicious!

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Festive Yule Log or Tree Trunk Cake

The good thing when you get married to somebody from another country is that you can start your own traditions. I got married to a Colombian 12 years ago, but we have been living in Germany since the start. Christmas is traditionally something we have discussed extensively. I have explained the difference between Colombian and German Christmas in this blog post. Man, we have discussed so many things, should it be the traditional bird as is common in Germany or should we go for the many snacks Colombians like to serve for Christmas? Should we make tamales, which is corn, veggies and meat steamed in banana leaves and which require a lot of work? Should we focus on the gifts instead or spend hours on the food? One thing we have learned over the years is that what works best for us is to create new traditions. Traditions that are neither German nor Colombian, but just us. New traditions we like and enjoy.

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Aged Eggnog

I actually don’t think I have taken pictures of anything this fast. I believe I gave this eggnog three minutes on my balcony. It was about -3 and during the shot it was snowing heavily. But then, when I could get inside and enjoy a nice cup of eggnog, it was all worth it. Eggnpg is a mix of cream and/or milk, alcohol, eggs, and spices.  This eggnog is prepared with raw eggs, so be sure that they are fresh. It is aged over time, thus you will not need to heat anything.  With age it matures in flavor. The original recipe says to start two to weeks prior consumption, so this is the perfect time if you want to enjoy it for Christmas.

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Cranberry Pie for Thanksgiving


Warning, this cranberry pie is probably not for everbody. I made it pretty tart and tangy. But if you think of it as a replacement for the cranberry sauce, you may be swayed. It has a slight hint of sage and is prepared with dried as well as fresh cranberries. As the pie crust is prepared without egg, you can make it a few days in advance.

Cranberry Pie Continue Reading…

Advent Wreath made from Gingerbread (Vegan Option)

Adventskranz aus Lebkuchen

Shame on me, somehow I never manage to take care of a proper Advent wreath on time. When I finally decide to buy one, they are always sold out or only very sad ones are left. I am talking about the traditional ones with candles and fir branches. But not this time. This time we will have an advent wreath made from gingerbread. I love making things from gingerbread. Years ago, when I was a poor university student, I started this tradition of making everything from gingerbread as I didn’t have money to buy any expensive Christmad decoration. I decorated the Christmas tree with gingerbread, the nativity was made from it, I even hung some igingerbread n the windows. It is definitely something I hold dear. So this year I decided to make the advent wreath from gingerbread as well.

Adventskranz aus Lebkuchen

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Classic Apple Strudel


When I showed you in my stories on Instagram how I made this strudel, so many of you asked for the recipe and how I did it, so this is it! A classic apple strudel with some streusel or crumbs. I know that strudel dough can be intimidating, it was also for me, but like with everything, practice makes perfect. My first strudel looked very different, it had a lot of thick parts and I had so many wholes in it. But one of the good things of strudel is that the main event is the filling anyway, so even if your dough is not perfect, it does not matter that much because the dough is so thin and only is there to hold together the fruit filling or whatever you are going with.

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