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Review after Two Years of Blogging

It has been exactly two years that I started this blog. Unbelievable! For that reason I posted this delicious strawberry chocolate cake last week, check it out, I just love the combination of chocolate and strawberries, don’t you? I didn’t want to publish another recipe today, but only wanted to do a review. I am going to answer Sabine’s questions from the blog Schmeckt nach mehr (in German) again.


#1 What was your most successful blog article of the second year?

I already had a hunch when I started preparing this blog post. It has definitely become a fashion to make cake or letter cakes, such as the one I made below. I knew that it was going to generate a lot of clicks. However, if you want to know why I almost didn’t publish the recipe, check out my blog post.

Letter CakeLetter or number cake with sponge and raspberry cream

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