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How to Make Strudel Dough

Guys, you won’t believe how many strudels I have made recently. Crazy! Have you every tried to make one from scratch? I know a lot of people are scared of making the dough. But believe me, it is much easier than it looks, really. I was not paid for this but I took an online strudel class with the Austrian Lamarche, she shared so many helpful tricks, it was amazing! One major thing to keep in mind is that strudel dough has to rest. A lot. Like several times. You first knead it for a long time, then it rests, then you work a bit on it, and it rests again. For that reason I recommend making the dough the night or day before so that you can focus on all that stretching. Below you will have ten tips for perfect strudel dough, the basic recipe, and some extra recipes.

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How to Remove Hard Caramel Fast

Today you will get a lot of tips on how to remove hard caramel fast. You can watch in this reel how I do it. The short answer is: you need (boiling) water and a bit of time. This is possible without any hardcore scrubbing. In addition, you will find my favorite recipe for caramel below plus a lot of recipe ideas using caramel.

I will explain below how you get from the picture on the left to the picture on the right within five minutes

Below is also a recipe for homemade caramel

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