Coffee Break No. 9

It has been a while since I last drank a coffee with you virtually. Reason for this was because there have been many things going on in my life. We moved inside the city and I underwent surgery. I am all good, no worries, it was planned. However, originally there were two zysts they wanted to remove, but afterwards I learned that I do have endometriosis. Endo what? Believe me, I had no idea what the doctors were talking about. So I had to do a bit of research. This is a chronic sickness where tissue develops for example on your ovaries or fallopian tubes where it is not supposed to grow. It can create a lot of pain, usually women with this condition have extremely painful periods, some may faint or need to vomit and in some instances the pain will be constant, not only during your period.

Fortunately, I have not experienced such horrible pain. I do recall, especially when I attended university, that I once fainted during a very large lecture with about 600 students and the professor just sent me home. I don’t know how I even managed to catch the right tram and crawled inside my bed. This is the most painful episode I ever had. But I do have other typical symptoms. One of them is feeling exhausted and fatigued all the time. Nowadays people understand much better what this entails as it can be a symptom of COVID19. It is really frustrating, because I normally sleep well and try to do sports regularly. Believe me, feeling fatigued is much more than simply being tired. For a long time I thought it was my fault. I mean, how can this be that I am living a pretty healthy lifestlye, I sleep 8 hours per night, I excercise, yet I always feel so exhausted. Sometimes it is like a knob was turned off, it may only be 8pm, but I feel like crashing on my bed and falling asleep right away. Martina Liel, a woman who has endometrioses, too, describes it in German as if your body wants to get into hibernation just like the sleeping beauty. I couldn’t have said it any better. That is exactly how it feels.

Of course I got tested and checked by many different doctors. For years my blood was tested and at some point a vitamin D deficiency was found. Apparently my thyroids seem to be working just fine. I was asked to excercise and to reduce my stress levels. I did my best to do as I was told. However, I still felt exhausted pretty much every day. But now I know why: it is the endomteriosis.

Even though I have only learned recently about endometriosis, I do assume that I may be able to combat this constant fatigue with changing my diet. I haven’t really gotten into that as of yet as we just moved and I didn’t want to add more stress. I don’t know yet how and when I am going to start. The one thing I am sure of is that I want to reduce my sugar intake. Did you know for example that I do have a category with all the vegan, sugar-free, and gluten-free recipes? I feel I may need to make this granola again, I haven’t made any in such a long time.

Homemade granolaMy anniversary regarding the bike accident was somehow lost during the move and all that it entailed. I usually celebrate it with a decadent recipe. I started with a gigantic cookie as a proclaimed cookie monster, made a vegan Oreo cake during the first year and decided for a decadent chocolate cheesecake with no baking for last year. But this year April 23rd came and went and I was super busy with other things. But we celebrated a bit later during our wedding anniversary two weeks later. I made this fruity Piña Colada cake for that occasion. Of course it does contain rum. I have said it in the past and I don’t get tired of saying it again. You never know what is going to happen next. Believe me, my bike accident took place in nothing less than two seconds and I was fortunate enough that I don’t have any permanent damage. For that reason you need to cease the moment, enjoy it fully and relax. Life is too short to worry about tiny things. I don’t know yet what it means that I have endometriosis, but I do know that I will continue to bake and post the recipes here.

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  • Reply
    Wednesday May 12th, 2021 at 08:23 AM

    Liebe Jenny,
    Seit einiger Zeit folge ich dir schon, und freue mich immer, wenn ich einen neuen post von Jennyisbaking bekomme.
    Ich liebe besonders deine Kuchen! Mit meinen Zwillingen habe ich an Ostern die « Shaun the sheep » cupcakes gemacht. Und deinen Karottenkuchen.
    Während ich dir schreibe trinke ich übrigens Mate ?..
    Mein Freund ist Uruguayo, und auf der Suche nach Alfajores bin ich auf deinen blog gestossen. Der hat mir auf Anhieb gefallen ?
    Dein heutiger Post hat mir besonders gut gefallen, auch wenn er keine Rezepte enthält…
    Mein uruguayo nannte mich schon mehrmals „la bella durmiente“
    Vielen Dank für das Teilen deines Erlebens der Endometriose, und für die Website der anderen Betroffenen!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen tollen Tag ☀️
    Fühl dich gedrückt.

    • Reply
      Wednesday May 12th, 2021 at 08:33 AM

      Liebe Christine, danke für deine netten Worte. Schön, dass du Mate trinkst 🙂 Du weißt sicherlich, dass du alle lateinamerikanischen Rezepte suchen kannst, dafür habe ich extra eine Kategorie eingerichtet, siehe hier: Es gibt hier natürlich viele Rezepte auch aus Uruguay. Grüße, Jenny

  • Reply
    Wednesday May 12th, 2021 at 05:44 PM

    Liebe Jenny
    Wenn ich dir auch nicht helfen kann, hat mich dein offener Post heute betroffen gemacht. Ich wünsche dir alles Liebe aus der Ferne, auch wenn wir uns nicht persönlich kennen, so lese ich doch jeden deiner Beiträge und habe schon sehr viel nachgebacken.
    Herzliche Grüsse aus der Schweiz

    • Reply
      Wednesday May 12th, 2021 at 06:17 PM

      Liebe Anne, danke, sehr lieb, ich habe zum Glück keine Schmerzen. Ich freue mich immer, wenn ich wieder sehe, dass du was nachgebacken hast 🙂 Grüße, Jenny

  • Reply
    Wednesday May 12th, 2021 at 06:02 PM

    Jenny, I am holding you in my heart, and sending you love, hugs, and best wishes. The important thing is that you finally have a diagnosis. Now you can focus on living your best life with endometriosis. You are such an amazingly creative person, and you are very much appreciated by all of us. Thank you for all you do to enrich our lives, and for sharing such delicious recipes. : ) Be well!

    • Reply
      Wednesday May 12th, 2021 at 06:18 PM

      Thank you very much, Jan. Yes, it is a relief to finally have a diagnosis and I am super grateful that I don’t have any pain. Compared to others I am doing very well. Please let me know if you should ever try a recipe. Best, Jenny

  • Reply
    Wednesday May 12th, 2021 at 07:39 PM

    So viel Mut, über deine Probleme zu schreiben, sie mit uns, den Wildfremden, zu teilen und dann trotz allem noch darauf hinzuweisen, dass der Genuss ein wesentlicher Kumpel im Leben ist…
    Hut ab liebe Jenny!!! Du dürftest eine wirklich nette Lady und eine echt coole Socke sein!!!
    Danke für deine Energie und melde dich, wenn du mal meine/unsere Kraft für dich brauchst!!!
    Susi, Kärnten, Österreich.

    • Reply
      Wednesday May 12th, 2021 at 08:05 PM

      Danke dir, mir ist Ehrlichkeit und Offenheit sehr wichtig und ich stehe weiterhin dazu, dass uns das am weitesten bringt.

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