Tyrolean Leftovers

Tyrolean fried leftovers or in German “Tiroler Geröstl” is something we came across by accident. He had ordered something on one of these alpine huts, he was served, it didn’t look like the dish he had ordered, he ate anyway and then he ate and ate and stated it was so much better than what he had ordered. So we inquired what it actually was and learned about this dish. The hut we were at definitely saw this as an opportunity for leftovers, the version of my hubby also had some cut dumplings included. My husband wouldn’t stop talking about this dish, so I knew what I wanted to make for him soon: Tiroler Gröstl.

Geröstl means, you are going to fry ingredients, basically all of them, best is a cast-iron pan. You have leftover potatoes? No problem, cut them in slices and fry them. You have dumplings left, just cube them and add them to the mix. The original recipe asks for cooked beef, we didn’t have that, so we simply cut some sausages and threw them in as well. My hubby insisted we include dumplings, so this was also added to the mix. Ours were made with spinach. That is the beauty of this dish, you can basically throw in all leftovers and will get some comfort food in the end. What is not to like about this?

Tyrolean Gröstl - Fried Leftovers

Serves: About 3 main portions
Prep Time: 15min Cooking Time: 35min Total Time: 50min

Tyrolean Gröstl can be described as fried leftovers, potatoes are fried as well as cubed onions, bacon, some meat, and if you have left, dumplings. It is then served with a fried egg on top.


  • 600 grams of waxy potatoes
  • Butter
  • 1 onion
  • 50-75 grams of bacon
  • About 200 grams of meat (we had sausages)
  • About 2-3 dumplings, if you have some left (we had some with spinach)
  • 1 egg per person
  • Salt, pepper, dried marjoram
  • Fresh chives



Boil the potatoes with their skin on in water with some salt for about 15-20min, then drain and peel off skin once cool. Cut in thick slices.


Peel and cube the onion and using a cast-iron pan melt some butter and fry the prepared potatoe slices on medium heat. Add onion and cubed bacon after a few minutes. Occasionally stir, meanwhile also cube the meat, add, and if you are using dumplings, cube these and add last. You want to brown everything, so you will need about 10-15 minutes from start to finish for frying. In another frying pan fry the eggs with a bit of butter or oil. Serve the egg on top as you see in the pictures and decorate with fresh chives.

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  • Reply
    Friday January 24th, 2025 at 08:41 PM

    Liebe Jenny,
    was für ein wunderbares Gericht für unser Blogevent! Tiroler Gröstl kenne ich schon aus meiner Kindheit und bestelle ich auch gerne mal auf der Hütte. Ein toller Zufall, dass dein Mann eine “Fehlbestellung” bekommen hat und ihr so in den Genuss gekommen seid. Diene Version mit Spinatknödel finde ich toll! Meine Mama hat es früher auch gerne gemacht, wenn Schweinebraten übrig war. Und du wirst lachen, ich habe auch eine Gröstl-Variante vorbereitet 😀

    Liebe Grüße, Bettina

    • Reply
      Friday January 24th, 2025 at 08:43 PM

      Liebe Bettina, das ist ja witzig, ich werde auf jeden Fall schauen wie deine Variante aussieht! Grüße, Jenny

  • Reply
    Thursday February 6th, 2025 at 03:54 AM

    Du weckst hier Kindheitserinnerungen bei mir mit dem Gericht. Das gab es bei uns imer, wenn Kartoffeln vom Vortag übrig waren. Deine Variante ist definitiv feiner, als unser Gröstel daheim.
    Da kann man deinem Mann nur gratulieren zur gelungenen Fehlbestellung.


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