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Waffle Cake with Rhubarb Compote and Fresh Strawberries

Waffeltörtchen mit Rhabarberkompott und frischen Erdbeeren

Would you like to taste spring? Then I have this waffle cake with rhubarb compote and fresh straberries for you. Seriously, a dream come true. When I tried the first bite, I was hooked, so much wonderful and tangy rhubarb!

Waffeltörtchen mit Rhabarberkompott und frischen ErdbeerenYou can serve this waffle cake for brunch, so for your mom on Mother’s Day it is perfect. But if you keep the rhubarb compote, waffles, and whipped cream separate, you may also take this cake to your next picnic or even to the beach. Just be sure to only assemble it shortly before eating and keep the whipping cream chilled.

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Why I gave the famous Letter Cakes another chance

Letter-Cake mit Biskuit und Himbeercreme

OK, I have to say something heretical. The letter or number cakes as you can see here have disappointed me. Yes, you read right. I expected something as good as my beloved sponge roll with strawberry cream, at least if you make the cakes with sponge cake. The strawberry cream is a dream come true with a fluffy and light sponge cake. It has this light feeling to it, I expected this light feeling when I took my first bite from below letter cakes. And then I was disappointed. As I made rather narrow letters, the dough tasted crunchy, gooey, just not good. Even though I was happy about the additional fresh fruits, the better ratio of cream versus sponge cake, I was not happy. I wanted my favorite roll! I was depressed.

Letter-Cake mit Biskuit und Himbeercreme Continue Reading…

Guest post: German chocolate cookie sandwich (cold dog) from Nina from Törtchen- Made in Berlin

Kalter Hund mit Oreo und Himbeeren-3513

I am so excited today to share this post with you as Nina from the blog Törtchen – Made in Berlin (cupcakes made in Berlin) is sharing a very German recipe with us here. As you can see from my very long blog title, it is close to impossible to translate this treat I ate so often as a child. Literally translated the dish is called “cold dog.” Why this is the case, I haven’t been able to find out other than it is done cold, so with no baking, but what I can assure you is that this is one of my favorite things to eat. I do distinctly remember licking my fingers after getting a piece and being very excited about the high amount of chocolate after each bite. Because, you know, chocolate is always great!

Kalter Hund mit Oreo und Himbeeren-3506 Continue Reading…

Blog Event: Invitation to a Coffee plus a Whisky Chocolate Caramel Cake

Whiskytorte mit Schoko und Karamell

Exactly one year ago my first blog post Lemon Tarts went online. This means “Blogger Happy Birthday To Me”, yay! I thought really long and hard as to what to do for my first birthday. Somehow I feel everything has been done already. And since I am a stubborn person, I also wanted something more than a boring give-away just to lure in more readers. That’s simply not me, regardless of what marketing says.

Yes, this is a baking blog and I hope that my recipes are mouth-watering for my readers. Yes, I also started this blog since I have been asked to share recipes many times and I simply find baking relaxing. But for me the main purpose of baking is to share the baked goods with others. That’s why I invite you to my event. I ask you to bake something, regardless of whether this is a recipe which was passed down in your family, whether you find a recipe you want to try on my/a blog or whether it is one from a cookbook. It doesn’t matter whether you follow a recipe to the dot or whether you alter a recipe to your liking. Be it cookie, cake, something small, a complicated layer cake, whether you spend hours in the kitchen or you whip something in a jiffy, it all doesn’t matter, as long as you follow one rule. The one and only rule is that you have to share your baked goods with at least one guest.

This is the core of baking for me. That you share, sitting together at a table, chatting, laughing, crying, that you indulge yourself in some cake and learn about the other. I strongly believe that it doesn’t matter if you spent hours baking or went for a simple cookie, as long as you did it with love and passion, I am sure your guest(s) will notice.

For that reason I invite you as of today, February 15, 2018 until March 15, 2018 to invite at least one guest and to bake something for this person for that occasion. I invite you to take a picture, either just of what you baked, or with the permission of your guest, also of your invites and to tell me how the event went. Once the timeframe is over, I will do a roundup on this blog.

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Cute Elephant Cookies for a Baby Shower

In case you didn’t know, I love cookies. Actually, I am a bit sad that in Germany you only eat a lot of cookies during Christmas, but once that is over, people forget about them. Sadly so. There are so many good ones! I love cookies, there are so many more I still want to make. Feel free to check out my cookie category for further inspiration. Anyway, so as I was stating, I love cookies and I love to eat them all year round. Needless to say that I also love to bake cookies for baby showers. In case you didn’t notice, I am not so much the girly, pink and glittery type. That is not me. But for a baby shower I don’t mind a litte bit of cuteness. I mean, it is for a baby after all. Or to be exact, for the mom and for the baby shower attendees. Or however you want to call them.

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