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Basic Recipe for Gluten Free Porridge

Grundrezept für oberleckeren Porridge

Today I brought along some porridge, the best basic recipe, which is gluten free and can be made vegan. You may think that this is a simple recipe, but I let me tell you, I tried many versions before I was finally happy to post. You know, because I only want to post the best. But I think that’s the tricky party about basic recipes, for them to really be versatile, for them to work in many different kitchens, you need to have it bullet-proof.

Grundrezept für oberleckeren Porridge

I have come to enjoy porridge when I spent a gap year in Canada after highschool. Porridge was not really in fashion in Germany at that point, the literal German translation of porridge is oatmeal slime. Do I need to say anything else? Who calls food slime? Anyway, so I am delighted to say that fifthteen years later porridge has become much more popular again in Germany, probably also because it is a gluten free breakfast, which can be made vegan very easily and it is extremely healthy and keeps you going.

I love eating warm breakfast, I find it extremely satisfying. For that reason porridge is really meant for me. Overnight oats are not that bad either, but I will always go for porridge instead. I find it is the perfect way to start the day.

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