Basic Recipe for Gluten Free Porridge

Grundrezept für oberleckeren Porridge

Today I brought along some porridge, the best basic recipe, which is gluten free and can be made vegan. You may think that this is a simple recipe, but I let me tell you, I tried many versions before I was finally happy to post. You know, because I only want to post the best. But I think that’s the tricky party about basic recipes, for them to really be versatile, for them to work in many different kitchens, you need to have it bullet-proof.

Grundrezept für oberleckeren Porridge

I have come to enjoy porridge when I spent a gap year in Canada after highschool. Porridge was not really in fashion in Germany at that point, the literal German translation of porridge is oatmeal slime. Do I need to say anything else? Who calls food slime? Anyway, so I am delighted to say that fifthteen years later porridge has become much more popular again in Germany, probably also because it is a gluten free breakfast, which can be made vegan very easily and it is extremely healthy and keeps you going.

I love eating warm breakfast, I find it extremely satisfying. For that reason porridge is really meant for me. Overnight oats are not that bad either, but I will always go for porridge instead. I find it is the perfect way to start the day.

Grundrezept für oberleckeren PorridgeLast fall I was fortunate enough to go on holiday in San Francisco. While being there, I did enjoy my share of porridge bowls and was determined to figure out the secret to a good porridge once back home in Germany. Because you need to know that old-fashioned rolled oats are different in Germany, somehow it is  much harder finding the right consistency. You want the oats to be creamy, but they shouldn’t disolve completely yet.  So I got all the rolled oats I could find, from famous brands and no-names, trying to find the right ratio. 

So we had a lot of porridge during the winter season. I tried them with only water, with only milk, with a mix of the two, cooking high, low, short and long until I was happy. At some point my husband complained and asked whether I still wasn’t happy. Well, I am now and I am excited to be sharing this basic recipe. The beauty of it is that you can add whatever you feel like, fresh fruit of the season, dry fruits, rasins, nuts, chia seeds, any sweetener you like, and spices. So may I introduce my best basic recipe for porridge.

Grundrezept für oberleckeren Porridge

Basic Recipe for Porridge

Serves: 1 person
Cooking Time: 10min of preparation


  • Porridge
  • 50 grams of rolled oats
  • 100 grams of water
  • 100 grams of (vegan) milk

  • Options to serve it with:
  • Fresh fruits of the season
  • Dried fruits, including raisins
  • Nuts, chia seeds, etc.
  • Spices such as pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, a handful of chocolate chips, a dash of vanilla extract, see here how to make your own, etc.



Bring the rolled oats with the water and milk to a boil, reduce heat to medium low and let simmer for about five minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile prepare fruits, etc.


Pour into a small bowl with all other ingredients, mix and serve warm.

Grundrezept für oberleckeren Porridge

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  • Reply
    priya patel
    Wednesday January 9th, 2019 at 06:22 AM

    WOW ! looks really delicious!!

    • Reply
      Wednesday January 9th, 2019 at 06:41 AM

      Thank you!!!

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