Uruguayian salchichón de chocolate or chocolate salami is one of my favorite cookies from Uruguay. I decided to introduce this cookie during my cookie week. This is recipe number 2. You will find something similar in Italy, but since we are in Uruguay, of course we have to add the Latin American touch to it: dulce de leche. How to make dulce de leche from scratch I do explain in this blog post. And don’t you agree, doesn’t it look for real? If Uruguayans are good at something, it’s magically making something special out of the ordinary. Just like these salami cookies. You know, you basically throw together the ingredients, chill them, and then you cut off your salami slices. Well, OK, my version has you roast the hazelnuts, melt the chocolate and crush the cookies, but then you are actually good to go. Doesn’t this sound awesome?
Salchichón de chocolate is something I loved as a child. Germans also have a cake, which basically is made with melted chocolate and plain cookies. I once had the guest Nina blog a recipe, check it out here. But compared to the German version, this one has several bonuses. Number 1 is the fact that you can eat smaller slices. In case you don’t like it, you can try it beforehand. Number 2, you have dulce de leche. I mean, seriously! Dulce de leche is the best caramel cream there is in my opinion. Number 3, this one has the nice add-on of roasted hazelnuts. It really takes this plain cookie to the next level. Be my guest, do it without, but you will be missing out. Apart from the fact that your salami will look less real if you omit the hazelnuts!For the salami sausage to look like real sausage, you roll the already chilled log in a lot of icing sugar. I can assure you, some people will be tricked to believe it actually is a sausage. That’s because this cookie is the perfect gift. You can easily wrap it in some parchment paper, pick pretty yarn and then give it away as one full sausage. I warn you, don’t make the mistake I made that I started slicing off one cookie at a time. At the end I did not have enough “sausage” to give away, ahem.
Salchichón de Chocolate or Chocolate salami is a no-bake cookie. You basically mix the prepared ingredients, roll them into a log and chill it until you slice off your "piece of salami". Roast the hazelnuts in a frying pan without any fat for about ten minutes on medium heat until they start cracking their skin. Let cool for a little and then rub off the skin as much as possible with a towel. Chop. Meanwhile melt the chocolate on low heat or in the microwave and let cool a little. Place cookies in a sealed zip lock bag and either crush with a rolling pan or your hands, they don't have to be crumbs, just smaller pieces. Place chopped hazelnuts, melted chocolate and crushed cookies in a large bowl and add all remaining ingredients except for the icing sugar. Mix with a mixer until combined. Put on plastic wrap and roll into a log. Chill in fridge for at least an hour. Take out chilled log and roll in icing sugar for it to look like real salami. Cut in slices and enjoy.Salchichón de Chocolate or Chocolate Salami
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 at 10:46 AMHallo Jenny,
ich möchte dieses Rezept für eine Freundin von mir aus Portugal machen. Denkst du das die Schoko-Salami für das Verschicken geeignet ist? Das Verschicken würde etwa eine Woche dauern.
LG Hanna
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 at 10:49 AMLiebe Hanna, ja, denke, das sollte passen. Am besten in Backpapier und Zeitung einwickeln, damit die Schokolade unterwegs nicht schmilzt. Grüße, Jenny