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Delicious No-Bake Strawberry Cake

Gesunde Erdbeer-Joghurttorte mit Mandelboden

Update: I rewrote the recipe a bit in 2021 and took fresh pictures

It’s summer! Officially! So I need something fast, something refreshing and also something healthy. That’s why I invented this frozen strawberry cake, which can be done in less than 15 minutes. It is pleasing to the eye and everybody will love it, I promise. It may be one of your new go-to recipes. I at least have it stored as a new favorite. I honestly was surprised. I usually don’t invent cakes. I like to change recipes to me liking, I like to alter them. But start one from scratch? I don’t know what happened, but for some reason I just felt like throwing some strawberries together and hope for the best. I usually don’t mind following a recipe, but this time it was just an impluse reaction, why not mix strawberries with some crunchy almonds? I took quite a risk there, because this cake was a birthday cake for a friend of mine. And since he likes strawberries and since it is summer, I came up with this beauty.

Gesunde Erdbeer-Joghurttorte mit Mandelboden

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Healthy Ginger Muffins with no Refined Sugar

Gesunde Ingwermuffins ohne Haushaltszucker

It has been four years since I put these ginger muffins on the blog the first time. Partially they are made with whole wheat flour, the traditional butter is replaced with coconut fat and we will not use any refined sugar, but instead sweeten them with molasses. Since they contain feshly grinded ginger, they are super moist and delicious. Of course you can argue if this really is “healthy”, but at least they are healthier than your average muffin. At least I didn’t feel guilty eating them happily with some joghurt and more molasses for breakfast.

Gesunde Ingwermuffins ohne Haushaltszucker

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Healthy Melon Cake for a Summer Party

Gesunde Melonentorte ohne backen für die Sommerparty

You don’t want to turn on the oven, but would like to impress your guests with a two, three, or even four-tier cake? If possible, it should be healthy and nice to look at? Look no further, you need to try this melon cake! Yes, this is basically serving fresh fruit, but not just a salad or simply on a plate, no, here you stack melon onto each other and produce a tiered cake! So here you have it, a tiered cake with no gluten, refined sugar, and completely vegan. This is something for health-conscious people. And it is nice to look at and definitely a show-stopper. No matter if you make this in a large size or as I did in a smaller version, I am sure that your guests are going to be impressed.

Gesunde Melonentorte ohne backen für die Sommerparty Continue Reading…

Simple and Easy Apple Slab Pie for Picnics

Einfacher und gesunder Apfel-Blechkuchen

Guys, I looooove fall. I just love this golden light, the rustling of leaves, I just love every aspect of it, including rainy days as these are so perfect for reading a nice book with a thick and snuggly blanket. I always get excited during fall and I snap pictures of everything, I wish fall was three quarters of the year. And for this reason I decided to make a simple and easy apple slab pie for picnics.

Einfacher und gesunder Apfel-Blechkuchen Continue Reading…