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Delicious No-Bake Strawberry Cake

Gesunde Erdbeer-Joghurttorte mit Mandelboden

Update: I rewrote the recipe a bit in 2021 and took fresh pictures

It’s summer! Officially! So I need something fast, something refreshing and also something healthy. That’s why I invented this frozen strawberry cake, which can be done in less than 15 minutes. It is pleasing to the eye and everybody will love it, I promise. It may be one of your new go-to recipes. I at least have it stored as a new favorite. I honestly was surprised. I usually don’t invent cakes. I like to change recipes to me liking, I like to alter them. But start one from scratch? I don’t know what happened, but for some reason I just felt like throwing some strawberries together and hope for the best. I usually don’t mind following a recipe, but this time it was just an impluse reaction, why not mix strawberries with some crunchy almonds? I took quite a risk there, because this cake was a birthday cake for a friend of mine. And since he likes strawberries and since it is summer, I came up with this beauty.

Gesunde Erdbeer-Joghurttorte mit Mandelboden

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Snow White Cake with Strawberries

Donauwelle mit Erdbeeren

We finally need another German recipe on the blog, for that reason you will get the typical Snow White Cake aka Donauwelle. But I am serving this classic with a twist, you will get it with strawberries instead of cherries. This cake contains a marbled cake base (another super German recipe) into which you press some cherries (normally), followed by a layer of German buttercream and topped off with a chocolate layer. Beside the Black Forest Cake this Snow White Cake is super German for me. But since I was not in the mood for canned cherries, I decided to use a lot of fresh strawberries, so my buttercream contains chunks of strawberry. The chocolate layer also has some strawberries tucked inside. Because why not?Donauwelle mit Erdbeeren Continue Reading…

Delicious Strawberry Stracciatella Cake

Hohe Erdbeer-Stracciatella-Torte

I have a super delicious strawberry stracciatella cake for you for Mother’s day! I won’t deny it, this cake is quite a bit of work, but in my opinion that’s OK for showing your gratitude for your mom. The base is a vanilla sponge cake, which is then filled with a strawberry stracciatella filling and topped off with a Swiss meringue buttercream. I decided to brush the cake layers with some coffee to keep it moist. Also, before we fill the cake, we are going to spread some strawberry jam on each cake layer. This all will help for the cake to stay moist even on the third and fourth day and also gives you the chance to prepare it in advance.

Hohe Erdbeer-Stracciatella-Torte Continue Reading…

Simple Slab Cake with Strawberries and Whipping Cream

Einfacher Blechkuchen mit Erdbeeren und Sahne

Shame on me,  I haven’t posted enough slab cakes even though I really like them. I prepared this simple slab cake with an abundance of strawberries and whipping cream the first time about a year ago when we had a large family gathering. I count myself lucky for having managed to snap a picture of a cut slice, it was gone within seconds, it took my relatives very little time to consume. No wonder, because it is so delicious.

Einfacher Blechkuchen mit Erdbeeren und Sahne Continue Reading…

Creamy Cheesecake with Rhubarb and Strawberry Sauce

Cremiger Käsekuchen mit Rhabarber- und Erdbeersoße

I love spring! I love the fresh and vibrant colors, I love that you will find rhubarb and strawberries. Aren’t they just the best combination ever? If you are up for it, below I will show you a very German cheesecake with a delicious rhubarb and strawberry sauce. You wonder what makes a German cheesecake German? We love using quark. I believe you find that in Lidl ind Aldi nowadays also in places outside of Germany. Sour cream, cream cheese, quark, we love the combination of a lot of dairy products.

Cremiger Käsekuchen mit Rhabarber- und Erdbeersoße

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Third Blog Birthday and Strawberry Elderflower Cake


Where is the champagne? Where are the streamers and glitter? You are invited to a nice helping of this strawberry and elderflower cake! Why, you ask? I am celebrating my third year of blogging. The first recipe that went online on my blog was this lemon tart, which I still love to make. I honestly never thought I would be blogging for three years. I have always been a person who just learns things by doing them. Instead of figuring everything out beforehand, I just give it a go and see what happens. The reason I started this blog was because I got tired of having to pass on recipes I was asked to provide to my friends and family. I also wanted to have some kind of organization so I thought a blog may come in handy. I would have never believed that I would enjoy taking pictures as much as baking. Mind you, I once was a professional pianist, I always thought my visual ability was not as good. However, I am still enjoying my blog immensely, be it baking, food photography or anything else, and for that reason I hope there are many more blog years to come. How about a slice of this delicious strawberry elderberry cake for this special occasion?

Erdbeer-Holunder-Torte Continue Reading…

Strawberry Pie with the Cutest Roses

Erdbeer-Pie mit süßen Röschen

Today I brought along the cutest strawberry pie with roses and a little heart. Below you will find step-by-step instructions so that your roses just look the same. This time I thought I would make a simple cake for Mother’s Day. If you want to have something more festive, try this chocolate strawberry layer cake or this strawberry tiramisu cake. But today I thought a very simple pie would be perfect. I mean, simple doesn’t necessarily mean bad, does this? I think I put as much love into this pie as into that layer cake.

Erdbeer-Pie mit süßen RöschenAs you can see from the pictures, this is a pie full of strawberries, in total it contains 800 grams of strawberries. Mind you, after having hulled them. Strawberry pies can be ticky, you don’t want the filling to be mushy. So for that reason I went with tapioca starch, which works better than cornstarch. But in case you don’t have tapioca close by, cornstarch will do.

Erdbeer-Pie mit süßen Röschen Continue Reading…

Strawberry Tiramisu Cake


Strawberry Tiramisu Cake! If this is not a cake for Mother’s Day, I don’t know what is. I was inspired by this strawberry tiramisu from Life is full of goodies (in German), which I can highly recommend. I have had people specifically requesting that recipe for a get together, so check it out! Anyway, since the strawberry tiramisu was such a hit, I decided to make this a cake. Because, you know mother’s day? I won’t deny that this is an extremely rich and decadent cake. But with such a sweet heart on the top I believe it is worth it. Oh, and just so you know, it does not contain any raw egg or alcohol.

Erdbeer-Tiramisu-Torte Continue Reading…

Creamy German Cheesecake with Strawberries

Creamy German Cheesecake with strawberries, that’s what you will get today. You may ask what German cheesecake is compared to American cheesecake? The main differences are that you use quark or curd cheese instead of only cream cheese and you have a pie crust to keep it all together and not your typical cookie crust. Do you want to give this cheesecake a try? The version you see below is the creamiest of them all. You can eat it plain or serve it, as I did, with a strwaberry topping. If you rather try some other, this is more traditional cream cheesecake with blueberries a no refined sugar, this one with apples and caramel, this one is the traditional Japanese, or a no-bake with limes.Der cremigste Käsekuchen mit Erdbeeren Continue Reading…

Delicious Strawberry Chocolate Cake


Update 2019: New photos and improved recipes

Happy Easter everybody! I feel it is time for a decadent strawberry chocolate cake, don’t you think? And this one is so good. It has a chocolate cake as base, with a generous cream cheese and whipping cream filling with chunks of chocolate mixed in, lots of fresh strawberries and some more cocoa thrown in, just for good measure. If you are into chocolate (who isn’t?) and if you like fresh strawberries the same way I do, this one is for you. I already published the recipe two years ago and have baked it several times since then. After some additional tweaks I felt I had to republish the recipe since it always, always receives raving reviews and was in desperate need of some fresh photos.

Schoko-Erdbeer-Torte Continue Reading…