Creamy German Cheesecake with strawberries, that’s what you will get today. You may ask what German cheesecake is compared to American cheesecake? The main differences are that you use quark or curd cheese instead of only cream cheese and you have a pie crust to keep it all together and not your typical cookie crust. Do you want to give this cheesecake a try? The version you see below is the creamiest of them all. You can eat it plain or serve it, as I did, with a strwaberry topping. If you rather try some other, this is more traditional cream cheesecake with blueberries a no refined sugar, this one with apples and caramel, this one is the traditional Japanese, or a no-bake with limes.But let’s go back to this traditional German cheesecake. Recently I don’t seem to have a lot of luck with recipes I plan to present on this blog, usually I have to try them several times before I finally end up with something I am happy with. This cheese cake was no exception. I was lured into the promises on Pinterest telling me that this was assumedly the best German cheesecake ever. Hah, I should have stayed with my precious recipe from the start. I tried several to realize that none of them compared to my beloved recipe. As stated, you can east the cheesecake plain or serve it with caramel sauce or any other topping you prefer, but I like my cakes to be juicy and fruity, hence the add of the strawberries. I cut some strawberries and also made a very simple strawberry sauce by processing fresh strawberries with a little bit of sugar.
In 2023 I slightly adapted the recipe to make it a little easier. Instead of using egg yolks, we will use the entire egg. The taste in difference is minimal and I believe most of the time people prefer not having to divide eggs. On top, we only need a whisk for this recipe and will use the pot we made the custard in to whisk everything together. Seriously, easy peasy, lemon squeezy! So if you are adventerous enough, how about giving this classic cake a try? You will have a pie crust as a base, a very creamy center due to the fact that you are using quark or curd cheese instead of regular cream cheese, and you get a super delicious strawberry topping, consisting of two ingredients, fresh strawberries and a little bit of sugar. Why not give this German version a chance?
Credit: Adapted from Bake to the roots
This German cheesecake has a slightly different preparation, we will first make a simple custard with two ingredients and then whisk in the remaining ingredients for an extra creamy testure. You will see how make the cake in this video. For the pie crust mix all ingredients into a bowl and rub into pea-size crumbs with your fingers. Then add the water by the spoonful until you can work into a ball. Once you can form a ball, roll out on a lightly floured surface. Move the dough every few times you roll it out, so it doesn't stick to the surface and also turn it around. Flour a little more if necessary. Oil a springform and place the pie crust in it. I like to fold it into a small parcel and unfold it inside the springform. Be sure to have your pie crust going up around the sides, too. Chill in the fridge for at least half an hour or overnight. Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius and place an oven-proof container filled with water at the bottom of your oven. For the filling heat the heavy cream with the sugar in a large pot. Meanwhile mix the cornstarch with the milk until you see no lumps. Once the heavy cream is hot, whisk in the cornstarch mix. On medium heat stir until you get a pudding-like consistency. Set aside. Add all other ingredients to the slightly cooled off pudding and whisk until combined. If you see small lumps, this is fine. Pour into prepared springform and bake for about 60-75 min. Turn off the oven, leaving the oven door open a little and let the cake sit in there for another half hour. Let cool at room temperature before transferring to the fridge. For the topping hull half of the strawberries, slice and place on top of the cake. The rest can be processed with the sugar and used as a sauce. In winter you may wish to simply simmer frozen strawberries with the sugar. Cook until a bit thicker consistency, then pour over the cake.German Cheesecake with Strawberries
Friday May 3rd, 2019 at 03:27 PMYammie, mache ich gleich morgen nach. Sieht einfach köstlich aus. Lieben Dank!!!!
Sonnige Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Friday May 3rd, 2019 at 07:34 PMLiebe Anne, bitte melde dich unbedingt wie er schmeckt!!!
Sunday May 5th, 2019 at 11:03 AMLiebe Jenny
Also: der Zitronensaft, den hab ich dann auch noch in die Füllung getan, ist das richtig?
Nach der Backzeit sah der Kuchen perfekt aus. Allerdings hat sich beim Aufschneiden herausgestellt, dass die Masse in der Mitte noch ein bisschen zu weich war. Nächstes Mal würde ich noch etwas länger backen. (Hat sich wirklich erst beim Anschneiden herausgestellt).
Zum Geschmack: köstlich, einfach nur köstlich. In der Tat der cremigste Käsekuchen, den ich je gegessen habe. Wird auf jeden Fall in die Sammlung aufgenommen.
Vielen Dank für die für mich ungewöhnliche, neue Art, die Sahne mit Speisestärke aufzukochen. Auf diese Idee wäre ich nie gekommen. Und ich lasse mich häufig von deinem Blog inspirieren – du machst das toll!
Schneegrüsse aus der Schweiz
Sunday May 5th, 2019 at 11:08 AMLiebe Anne, herzlichen Dank für dein ausführliches Feedback. Ich mag ihn in der Mitte noch etwas cremig, aber ich passe es an und ja, korrekt, der Saft soll in die Masse. Wie schön, dass er geschmeckt hat!
Bettina Halbach
Friday May 3rd, 2019 at 07:17 PMGaaanz toll, Danke! Bin gerade in den Niederlanden, ich kümmere mich wenn ich am WE zurück bin, nicht wundern, wenn ich sooo langsam reagiere auf so einen leckeren Kuchen, ich freue mich sehr über deine Teilnahme an der Blogparade, liebe Grüße Bettina
Friday May 3rd, 2019 at 07:35 PMAber sehr gern, Bettina!
Sunday May 12th, 2019 at 12:05 PMHallo Jenny,
ich gehe gerade die Rezepte der anderen Blogparaden Teilnehmer durch.
*hmmm* das sieht aber sehr lecker aus.
Ich habe Dein Rezept am Ende meines auch verlinkt.
Ich hoffe das dies ok war.
Eine Frage habe ich noch.
Mit was für einem Plugin machst Du das.
Liebe Grüße
Sunday May 12th, 2019 at 01:45 PMLieber Lothar, das ist natürlich ok, danke! Welches Plugin das ist, muss ich nachschauen, ich glaube fast, das ist bei WordPress Standard, aber lass mich gucken, ich melde mich nochmal. Grüße, Jenny
Tuesday May 14th, 2019 at 09:59 PMLieber Lothar, das scheint Standard bei WordPress zu sein, ich glaube das geht bei mir ganz ohne Plugin.
Saturday July 10th, 2021 at 09:03 AMHallo Jenny, der Kuchen ist wirklich super lecker! Aber wie machst du es, dass er oben nicht braun wird vom backen. Alufolie drüber? Grüße, Mareike
Saturday July 10th, 2021 at 09:04 AMDa scheint dein Ofen ziemlich heiß zu sein, ja, Alufolie drüber. Meist klappt es bei mir ohne.