Brigadeiros from Brazil with 4 Ingredients

Have you ever heard of the truffle called brigadeiro from Brazil? In my opinion this is a perfect treat, which you can give as a last-minute gift. They can be made in a short amount of time and are so creamy. If you are a truffle fan, this may be for you. I am introducing the traditional flavor here, which is made with sweetened condensed milk, butter, and cocoa powder. You will then roll in chocolate sprinkles. However, you may also use additional cocoa powder or leave plain. So all you need is four ingredients and a bit of time to make this delicious treat. I was fortunate enough to eat brigadeiros several times. There are quite a few flavors available now, I like the one with lemon flavor, another popular one is with coconut. Below you will find the traditional flavor with only a few ingredients. Honestly, if I had known how easy brigadeiros can be prepared, I would have made them much earlier for sure and make some Brazilians happy. I guess better late than never. So here it comes, the truffle called brigadeiro. Legend has it that the chef Heloisa Nabuco de Oliveira made this for Gomes, the “Brigadeiro” in the 40s when he was running for president in Brazil.

Brigadeiros from Brazil

Prep Time: 15min Cooking Time: 10min Total Time: 15min

Brigadeiros contain only four ingredients and come together quickly, enjoy this treat from Brazil!


  • 200 grams of sweetened condensed milk (e.g. from Dovgan or Milchmädchen from Nestle)
  • 15 grams of butter
  • 20 grams of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Chocolate sprinkles



Place the sweetened condensed milk, butter, and cocoa powder into a large frying pan. The bigger the surface of the frying pan, the quicker you will be done. Bring to boil and immediately reduce heat to medium low while constantly stirring. Stir this mixture until you get a custard-like consistency. One test is to have your spatula run at the bottom of the frying pan and the batter not immediately trying to stick together. For me it took about five minutes, but it may take up to 10 minutes. Transfer the mixture into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let cool in the fridge. Once at room temperature, roll into 8-9 balls. Tip: you should cover your hands in neutral oil, that way nothing will stick to your hands. Roll in chocolate sprinkles or cocoa powder. You can also leave plain. If chilled, brigadeiros easily keep for a week.

P.S.: If you are interested in this super decadent Brigadeiro layer cake, this recipe is for you. This does contain brigadeiro filling as well as brigadeiro decoration.

Brasilianische Brigadeiro-Schokotorte


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