Shame on me, I haven’t drunk a virtual coffee with you in such a long time. It is already the last quarter of 2020 and here I am, no coffee date as of yet. Shame on me. The only excuse I have is that due to the Corona virus my full-time job changed quite a bit with an extremely busy workload. But regardless, I should have taken the time to tell you a bit, shouldn’t I?
I recently introduced a new category here on the blog. I basically invite you to have a coffee with me, at least virtually. If you are interested in my previous blog posts of this category, check out the first, second and third blog post. Today I am sharing number 4. Because I actually do have something to share. We moved from Hamburg in the north of Germany back to the south to the beautiful city Munich.
I am neither from Munich nor Hamburg. I usually cringe if somebody asks me where I am from because I never know how to answer it. If I am lazy, I will say close to Bielefeld, which is a city in the middle of Germany. It is a place I lived in the longest so far. But if somebody insists and wants to know more details, I have to tell my patchwork bio. Because I was born in Uruguay, a beautiful and small country in Latin America. That’s why you will find my favorite cookies from Uruguay on my blog (chocolate and dulce de leche) or this super delicious peach cake with meringue from my city of birth.