Like every year I like to do a review of my blog. The below eight questions are perfect to answer every year anew.
#1 Which one was your most successful blog post in 2021?
The most popular recipe on my blog has been these chocolatey brownie cookies for three years in a row now, especially during the season. However, I would like to highlight this banana chocolate cake, I made for myself, not thinking about my readers or whether it was in any way publishable. Interestingly enough, it has become very popular and is currently third in place. It makes me very happy. I do believe that you sometimes need to simply bake something YOU would enjoy and not care about target groups or any demands or trends. As a chocoholic I am so happy that you have baked this cake countless times.
I made this banana chocolate cake as an egoistic birthday gift for myself. I didn’t expect it to become so popular
#2 Which three blog posts from this year meant the most to you?
Number 1 is without the shadow of a doubt coffee date number 9. In this blog post I reveal to you the diagnosis of a chronic sickness I was faced with in 2021. I don’t think I have ever received as many messages from you guys. It clearly shows that people are interested in more than only recipes and that’s why I don’t mind sharing some more private information about me. We are all curious and would like to know who this person is blogging.
Number 2 are these four posts (no. 1, no. 2, no. 3, and no. 4) about the first wedding cake I had the privilege of baking. I made it in another country (Spain) with Spanish ingredients and a slightly weird oven. I am so happy it turned out great and the wedding couple was super excited, yay.
My first wedding cake I made in Spain. Picture taken by Hueto Fotógrafos
Number 3 are these Colombian tamales. These are meat, veggies and corn mash steamed in banana leaves. They do require a lot of work (a lot!), so usually Colombians will do it as an entire family. If you wonder what will make a Colombian happy, it is tamales.
#3 Which three bloggers inspired you the most?
Julia from the German blog Julia bakes and her cake store Konditorei Anton & Ella has become a professional chef in Munich and creates stunning wedding cakes. She had a bike accident about five years ago and needed to be in ER for a while. She wrote a whole article about her experience. You can find it here (in German). Julia inspires me because I also had a bike accident a few months after her. I am still so grateful that I didn’t have any permanent damage from it. If you are interested in learning more about my bike accident, check this blog post. Julia changed her life radically after the accident, she started a baking career. It helps me putting things into perspective when I read her story.
Tessa Huff is another person I find inspiring, she is the blogger of the American blog Style sweet. Every word she writes, every picture she takes shows how much she enjoys baking. For Christmas I followed her recipe for a yule log, see the picture below. You can find the recipe and tons of videos with detailed instructions here. Of course I already have a tiramisu roll on my blog, so I had to change the recipe a bit, but I guess that is normal, right?
The third person I would like to mention is the Brit Kat, she is the owner of the blog The Loopy Whisk. Since she is a chemnist and only has gluten-free (and often vegan) recipes on her blog, she is good at explaining how to substitute and also to describe the chemical reactions. Because of her I made this chocolate chip cookie cake.
#4 Which recipe you published in 2021 have you baked the most and why?
I don’t think I have ever baked as many pies as I did this year. I made many apple pies. Reason for this being that pies are something I find super easy to make. I always make the pie crust in the morning, it comes together in a few minutes and chill it throughout the day. In the evening, after work, I will then make the filling and bake the pie. You may not believe it, but it is close to impossible to find a proper pie dish in Germany. We do have tart forms, but they are not as deep and ofter larger in diameter. I finally got round to getting one in 2021 and needed to try it. I had to order it online, of course.
#5 Which baking or blogging problem did you encounter in 2021 and did you manage to solve it?
Since I didn’t go to the office much in 2021 either, I had to find people to eat all these decadent desserts and cakes I make. It is just my husband and me. So I started passing out cake to the people at checkout at the local grocery store, to neighbors, and the mailman. They all seemed super happy.
#6 What was your biggest discovery this year, which recipe, technique, food stuff, flavor, etc. opened a completely new world to you?
I am still trying to tackle vegan baking. In my opinion vegan cakes should look stunning and taste even better. I am not entirely sure yet if I really want to deep-dive into it in 2022, maybe there will be more vegan cakes on the blig in the future. I also reshoot the photos of this vegan mango chocolate cake. In my opinion it is a super delicious and fresh cake.
#7 What was the best or funniest search term that somebody used to find your blog?
Sorry to disappoint, this year there were no surprises. I was surprised that “arepa recipe” was a search term used many times throughout. This lead then to my basic recipe for making arepas, these are corn flatbread from Colombia or Venezuela.
#8 What do you wish for your blog in 2022?
I hope that readers are willing to share their problems so that we can tackle them together. Especially if you leave a low star review without any further comment, it is difficult to know what went wrong or why you didn’t like it that much. Please believe me when I say that I am really happy to help and will do my best to support you. Sometimes I have the feeling that readers are surprised. For me having a baking blog means being closer to you than say a famous baking magazine. I can answer your questions and exchange ideas. Please feel free to either email me at info at jennyisbaking dot com, contact me Instagram or Facebook, or leave a comment below the recipe you made.
zorra vom kochtopf
Friday December 31st, 2021 at 11:56 AMWow, diese Hochzeitstorte! Mega! Und in die Brownie Cookies möchte ich auch gleich Reinbeissen. Liebe Jenny, ich wünsche dir und deinem Mann guten Rutsch und ein tolles 2022!
Friday December 31st, 2021 at 12:08 PMDanke, das wünsche ich dir auch!
Friday December 31st, 2021 at 12:44 PMLiebe Jenny,
ein tolles Blog und ein toller Jahresrückblick 🙂
Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben einen guten Rutsch und ein gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr.
Alles Liebe von der Bine
Friday December 31st, 2021 at 01:32 PMDanke dir, das wünsche ich dir auch!
Friday December 31st, 2021 at 03:46 PMWow, was für Kreationen du dieses Jahr gebacken hast, Wahnsinn! Die Brownie-Cookies merke ich mir, die sehen ja wirklich zum Anbeißen gut aus.
Komm gut ins neue Jahr!
Friday December 31st, 2021 at 04:54 PMDanke dir, das wünsche ich euch auch!
Friday December 31st, 2021 at 05:07 PMBeim ersten Foto hattest du mich 😀 Die Brownie Cookies sind demnächst fällig!
Dir alles Gute für 2022!
Friday December 31st, 2021 at 05:43 PMUnbedingt nachbacken, das ist Schokohimmel pur!
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 10:22 AMJa, die Frage mit der Pie-Form hätte ich auch gerne beantwortet 😉 Ich habe meine im Koffer aus den USA importiert… Alles Gute für 2022 – Gabi
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 11:36 AMKomisch, oder? Wenn es Muffin- und Donutbformen gibt, wieso nicht auch Pie-Formen? Egal, ich erfreue mich an meiner. Dir auch ein gutes Jahr 2022!
Bettina von homemade & baked
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 11:35 AMLiebe Jenny,
die Brownie Cookies sehen ja aber richtig zum anbeißen aus! Und das Herstellen der Hochzeitstorte war bestimmt ein kleines Abenteuer. Ich habe die Story damals über Instagram verfolgt. Die Torte ist wunderschön geworden!
Das mit den wenig Sternen vergeben ohne Kommentar verstehe ich nicht und finde ich sehr schade. Als Foodblogger gibt man sich ja viel Mühe und es ist schade, wenn man dann “sowas” zurück bekommt.
Ich wünsche dir ein gesundes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr 2022.
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 11:37 AMDanke, Bettina. Ich hoffe sehr, dass die Leute sich zumindest über Social Media trauen zu sagen warum es scheitert. Dir auch ein gutes Jahr 2022!
Katrin [Katrins Backblog]
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 11:50 AMEine tolle Foodblogbilanz. Dein Problem mit den Abnehmern für Kalorien kommt mir bekannt vor. Ich backe daher schon nur noch kleine Törtchen. Komischerweise werden mir aber Kekse fast aus den Händen gerissen. 🙂 Deine Wünsche für die Zukunft kann ich auch nachvollziehen. Ich habe in letzter Zeit leider auch die Erfahrung gemacht, dass meist auf Instagram ein negativer Kommentar hinterlassen wird, aber kein Austausch möglich ist um das Problem zu finden, was ich auch sehr schade finde. Ich wünsche dir nun noch alles Gute für das neue Jahr und weiterhin viel Spaß am Backen und Bloggen.
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 11:51 AMLiebe Katrin, danke, das wünsche ich dir auch!
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 12:05 PMLiebe Jenny,
Deine Brownie Cookies lassen mir das Wasser im Mund zusammen laufen – und ich bin ein bisschen eingeschnappt, dass Du mit der Foodblogbilanz nicht auch ein paar Versucherle in die Runde geschickt hast. Dieses Jahr aber, ja? 😉
Herzlichst, Conny
PS: Ich muss mir gerade eingestehen, dass ALLE meine Rezepte egoistisch sind. Verdammt.
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 12:08 PMAlso Brownie-Cookies schicke ich gerne virtuell durch die Welt 😉 Hm, vielleicht sollte ich auch nur noch egoistische Rezepte veröffentlichen…
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 05:45 PMDeutschland ist nicht das Land der Pies, ich musste meine Form schon vor 10 Jahren online bestellen. Deine Kreationen lassen mich vor Ehrfurcht erstarren.
Alles Gute für 2022
Saturday January 1st, 2022 at 05:47 PMVor Ehrfurcht erstarren? Das sind krasse Worte, danke.
Es gibt hier Muffin-Formen, Donut-Formen, aber Pie? Wieso keine Pie-Formen? Nun ja, egal, ich habe sie online bestellt.
Dir auch ein gutes Jahr 2022!
Sunday January 2nd, 2022 at 04:34 PMHallo Jenny,
Deine Torten sind wirklich atemberaubend. Danke für die schöne Bilanz.
Gruß Volker
Sunday January 2nd, 2022 at 04:39 PMLieber Volker, danke dir auch! Einen guten Start ins Jahr 2022!
Friday January 7th, 2022 at 02:53 PMLiebe Jenny, verrätst du mir, wo du deine Pie-Form her hast? Das klingt nämlich spannend 🙂 Ich habe diverse Formen und eine Pie-Form aus Keramik, aber suche noch nach der perfekten Lösung… The loopy whisk finde ich übrigens auch sehr beeindruckend! Und negative Kommentare ohne ein paar Worte finde ich auch sehr schade. Hinter jedem Blog steckt ja auch ein Mensch, der sich Mühe gibt 🙂 Ich wünsche dir einen guten Start ins neue Jahr! Viele Grüße vom Bodensee Isabelle
Friday January 7th, 2022 at 02:58 PMLiebe Isabelle,
die hab ich tatsächlich per Amazon (hüstel) bestellt. Schau mal, am besten ist bei Pie immer eine Glasform. Ich hab jetzt eine von Ô Cuisine.