Pecan pie adapted for readers in Germany! If you are looking for a recipe which is not sickenly sweet, but actually makes you taste the wonderful pecans, this recipe is for you! Needless to say that this recipe does not require any corn syrup and is made with molasses instead. If you have difficulty getting hold of pecans, you may as well use walnuts instead.
If you have ever had the chance to eat a pecan pie in North America, you probably know that this is one of the sweetest pies there is. Main reason for it being corn syrup, which helps set the filling and which also gives this typical gooey texture. I remember distinctly taking one bite in Canada and almost had to spit it out because it was so very, very sweet. It probably didn’t help that Canadian Thanksgiving happened to take place when my German tastebuds had not yet gotten used to the sweetness levels so very common in North America. So when I tried to replicate the recipe here in Germany, I knew that I didn’t want to use corn syrup. Not only because I try to avoid it but also because corn syrup is hard to come by. I believe you will need to order it online, I have not yet seen it in a German store. Instead we are going to use molasses (Zuckerrübensirup) as this has a wonderful caramel flavor and we are going to use four eggs to bind the filling together. Typically you use between 2-3, but as there is no corn syrup, this is my solution. Let me know if you try it!
This pecan pie with no corn syrup was adapted so that it can be made with German ingredients and has a substantially less amount of sugar. For the pie crust mix flour and sugar into a large bowl. Add the cold butter in chunks and work into crumbs quickly. I usually do this by hand. Add the vinegar and a dash of water. Try working into a ball, only add about a tablespoon of water at a time, you should be able to form a ball, but it can still be crumbly. Cover and chill for half an hour or overnight. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsisus and roll out dough on a lightly floured surface into a circle larger than your pie form. Pie forms are usually about 23cm/8-9 inches, you can also use a springform or tarte form. You may wish to crimp the edges for it to look pretty, how I do that, you can see in this video. We will need to blind bake the pie crust. This will help for the pie crust to bake evenly and for it to hold the filling. I usually place parchment paper I first crumbled a bit and then straightened again on top of the pie crust and weigh it down with dry rice/beans. Bake for about 15min, then take away rice/beans and parchment paper and bake for another 5-10min until your dough start to have a little bit of color. I usually store a jar with the dry rice/beans so that I can re-use for the next blind bake. Meanwhile for the filling melt the butter and set aside. Then whisk eggs, molasses, sugar, vanilla extract and salt in a bowl, add the slightly cooled-off butter and mix again. I usually add about 160 grams of the nuts, combine it briefly and then pour into prepared pie crust. It is OK if the pie crust is still hot. The remaining 60 grams of nuts I like to arrange on top in a nice pattern. Reduce oven temperature to 160 degrees Celsius and bake pie for about 40-55 minutes. The center should still wiggle a little when you give the pie form a nudge. The pie will continue baking after you take it out. So make sure not to bake too long as it will otherwise get dry. This pecan pie can be served warm or cold and freezes nicely.
Pecan Pie with no Corn Syrup
Friday September 30th, 2022 at 09:45 PMJenny, auf so ein Pecan-Pie-Rezept habe ich ja heimlich gehofft. Da kenne ich sonst nämlich auch nur die viel zu süßen amerikanischen – deine Version klingt super! Und passt (finde ich) einfach perfekt in den Herbst.
Friday September 30th, 2022 at 11:24 PMDanke für die tolle Idee des Blogevents!
Sunday October 9th, 2022 at 09:48 AMDas Cornsyrup-Dilemma kenne ich auch – das hast du wunderbar gelöst 😉
Monday October 17th, 2022 at 04:45 PMWow, wie lecker sieht deine Pie aus!