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Decadent Nutella Chocolate Cake

Umwerfend leckere Schoko-Nutellatorte mit Heidelbeeren

Finally, this is a chocolate and Nutella lover’s dream come true. Decadent, delicious, and so, so good! It may be rather small in diameter (18cm/7inches), but my, my, my. As this is a very tall cake (14cm), you can serve very small pieces and still serve a crowd. Let me introduce you to a chocolate cake with Nutella filling and frosting and a lot of blueberries.

Wir feiern mit Heidelbeer-Nutella-Torte Continue Reading…

Fifth Blog Birthday and a Raspberry Chocolate Cake

Saftige Himbeer-Schoko-Torte

In four days on February 15th, this blog will turn five. That’s reason to celebrate! That’s why I am offering this super delicious raspberry chocolate cake. Why I am doing it four days in advance and why this is the second chocolate raspberry cake on the blog, I will let you know below.

I don’t remember distinctly why I hit “publish” on a Thursday, which was February 15th, 2017. I believe I had made this French lemon tart for Valentine’s. My hubby loves anything with citrus fruits. At the beginning of this blog I thought I wouldn’t publish anything other than cookie recipes and recipes my husband requested. It may sound stupid, but it also holds true in baking. Practice makes perfect. I baked, and baked, and baked. I would simply pick recipes I liked on the Internet. If I happened to make the recipe again, I would usually tweak it a bit. At the beginning I followed recipes as much as I could, tried to understand the basics. At some point I would start creating my own recipes. I would probably use a cake based I used in recipe X, but liked the filling of recipe Y better and would happily mix and match. In 2019 a good friend of mine asked me whether I would be willing to bake her wedding cake with 100 guests. I agreed as I believed to have one full year to practice. Due to COVID one year turned into two, so I practiced layer cake after layer cake. There is a reason that I published some many cake recipes in 2020 and 2021. Many of those were trial runs for the wedding cake. Among these was my first chocolate raspberry cake. Very soon I learned that this was super popular. You guys made that recipe your number 2 in 2020 as well as 2021, I just checked. I am so happy every time somebody bakes it again.

Saftige Himbeer-Schoko-Torte Continue Reading…

Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Vegane Kürbis-Schoko-Cookies

Guys, it is a shame I haven’t posted any cookie recipe in a while! This needs to be rectified immediately. Especially since I am a huge cookie monster. Below pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are my favorite cookie recipe when in comes to a vegan version. I am telling you, they are super easy to prepare and will be gobbled up in a jiffy. I at least have made them many times over. Maybe you are also interested in trying them?

Vegane Kürbis-Schoko-Cookies Continue Reading…

We Are Celebrating: Decadent Chocolate Caramel Cake


Guys, are you always happy to bake, regardless the reason? You finally told your boss that you need a salary raise? Let’s celebrate that with some cake. You passed the Statistics exam after the third try? Cake it is. It is just a regular Sunday, nothing special? Well, of course we want to have the German “Kaffee und Kuchen” (coffee and cake), so I need to bake a cake. In my opinion there is always a reason to celebrate, a reason to bake some cake. Today’s reason is pretty big, I am celebrating my third anniversay of the bike accident with no permanent damage.

Schoko-Karamell-Torte Continue Reading…

My Favorite Raspberry Chocolate Cupcakes


Do you love raspberries with chocolate? Then these raspberry chocolate cupcakes are for you. Since my raspberry chocolate cake became the runner-up in 2020 and has already more than 100 reviews, I decided to give this flavor combination another chance. What better option than to ygo for cupcakes? Cupcakes usually require less time and are wonderful for any events, parties, or even for Valentine or a birthday. My version contains my favorite chocolate cupcake, a tart raspberry filling and buttercream bursting with raspberry flavor. No artifical food coloring required.

Schoko-Himbeer-Cupcakes Continue Reading…

Brownie-Cookies with Sourdough

Brownie-Cookies mit Sauerteig

Today is December 6, which is Nikolaus in Germany! Children will put their freshly cleaned boots outside the door, which are going to be filled with sweets and cookies. So for that reason we need cookies today! I decided to make a variation of the most baked, rated, and clicked recipe on this blog, which are the brownie cookies. I decided to make these brownie cookies with sourdough. Yes, you read right. When I heard about this the first time, I thought people were crazy. But then I made these vegan brownies with raspberries and was sold. Since my husband bakes all of our bread, we always, always have sourdough in our house. This in turn means that we often have to throw sourdough as it needs to be fed. Since I liked sourdough in brownies, I figured they it would be as good in brownie cookies.

Brownie-Cookies mit Sauerteig

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The Ultimate Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Mousse and Ganache

Die ultimative Schokotorte mit Schokomousse und Schokoganache

Today you will get the ultimate chocolate cake with creamy chocolate mousse filling and chocolate ganache! If this is not something for dark days in November, I don’t know what is. I believe there is a reason why the most loved, baked, and clicked recipe on my site are these brownie cookies. I originally posted that recipe in November while living in Hamburg, which is known to be dark in winter. So here we come again with yet another chocolate recipe to cheer you up. As a chocoholic I have a full category dedicated to chocolate of course, feel free to check it out.

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Chocolate Bundt Cake with Pears

Schoko-Gugelhupf mit Birnen

A very chocolaty and moist bundt cake with pears, this is what I have to offer today. Do you like chocolate as much as I do? Then you may understand why I decorated mine with some chocolate glaze and sprinkled it with walnuts. Take a slice and enjoy this wonderful fall season!

Schoko-Gugelhupf mit Birnen


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Banana Chocolate Cake

Schoko-Bananen-Torte mit Biskuit

How does a chocolate cake as base, lot of bananas, and a stracciatella cream sound to you? For good measure I also included some crunchy banana chips and an elegant chocolate drip. For this cake to look as beautiful as it tastes. My friends, let me introduce you to this banana chocolate cake! Who would like a slice?

Schoko-Bananen-Torte mit Biskuit Continue Reading…

Creamy Cherry Chocolate Mousse Cake


Today I am going to introduce you to an old friend I have, but in a new outfit, I am talking about the creamy cherry chocolate mousse cake I already have on my blog. I actually made the recipe simpler and added more cherries to the mix. Whoever knows me, knows that I am a sucker for fruity cakes, pies, and tarts. In this instance, I felt about double the amount of cherries would be just perfect. I am still proud though that I won a prize with the original recipe. The award was for me and a person of my choosing to visit the beautiful city Tübing in the south of Germany and actually attend the chocolate festival they display every year. If you would like to learn more, check out this post. For the dressed-up recipe I decided to go for a 20cm/8inch cake instead of 26cm/9inch cake, with about double the amount of cherries and a much simpler chocolate mousse with no raw egg in it. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Kirsch-Schoko-Mousse-Torte Continue Reading…