Rainbow Color Red: Strawberry Pancakes with Strawberry Sauce

strawberry pancakes with strawberry sauce

Strawberry pancakes with strawberry sauce! I wanted to start my blog event with the strong color RED and with my favorite meal of the day: BREAKFAST! In fact, I have made this recipe for Saturday breakfast so many times already, I don’t know why I haven’t posted it yet. It is so good, the key words are light, airy, fluffy, and with a strong strawberry flavor, batter as well as sauce. Because, of course, I also added strawberries to the pancake batter, not only the strawberry sauce, which is full of pureed strawberries, some lemon and a bit of sugar.

strawberry pancakes with strawberry sauceAs stated, I am organizing the blog event “Colorful Food!” If you wish to learn more about it, check details here. Basically I invite you to create a dish in one color of the rainbow. I created today’s dish in RED.

Red is a color, which is surprisingly easy to create in a dish, yet I often find that our food is barely red. Am I wrong? We have so many ingredients with strong red colors, such as strawberries (of course I had to list them first), raspberries, grapefruit, blood orange, water melon, cherry, pommegranate, cranberry, rhubarb, currant, tomato, red bell pepper, beet, red cabbage, red onions (scallots), reddish, red beans, chili, and cayenne pepper to just name a few. Why is it that we don’t make these bold dishes in red? Are they too scary?

strawberry pancakes with strawberry sauceI am telling you, the flavor is just awesome! Yes, you can make the pancakes plain and yes, I have made them plain in fact many times. But once I started thinking about making these pancake with an additional strawberry flavor, I was sold. I am sure, so will you. Everything is natural, there is no artifical food coloring involved.

strawberry pancakes with strawberry sauceJust dig into them after stacking them high, you won’t regret it. Ah, I wish I could pass on this explosion of flavors through the screen!

strawberry pancakes with strawberry sauceCredit: Slightly adapted from Chefkoch (in German)

Strawberry Pancakes with Strawberry Sauce

Serves: About 6-8 pancakes, depending on size
Cooking Time: 10min preparation + 15min of frying


  • About 250 grams strawberries, washed and hulled
  • 3 eggs at room temperature
  • 100 grams/milliliters of milk
  • 2+2 tablespoons of regular sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, see here how to make your own
  • 80 grams of all-purpose flour
  • Butter for frying
  • Optional: Beetroot juice to increase color intensity
  • Juice of one lemon



Puree the freshly washed and hulled strawberries, set aside.


Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites to meringue with a mixer. Be sure that the bowl is grease-free. Adding a pinch of salt after beating for a minute also helps to stabilize. Usually takes about fives minutes, meringue should form stiff peaks.


Mix the egg yolks with the milk, two tablespoons of sugar and vanilla extract, no need to wash the mixer for this. The texture should be fluffy, takes about two minutes. Add the flour and about two tablespoons of pureed strawberries. If you wish to increase intensity of color, add a bit of beetroot juice and just mix until combined.


Fold in meringue with a spatula. Be gentle and try just to mix until everything is incorporated.


Fry pancakes in butter on medium heat. I find using a tablespoon to heap dollops of dough best and to form the pancakes nicely. Flip sides after about two minutes and fry for another two minutes.


Meanwhile add lemon juice and sugar to your liking to the strawberry puree.


Pour strawberry puree on freshly made pancakes and enjoy!


These pancakes taste best fresh and the dough cannot be made too much in advance as the meringue would deflate. Yes, you can make them plain and yes, you can also make them with other fruits instead.

strawberry pancakes with strawberry sauce

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  • Reply
    assignment artical hacks phrases tools
    Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 at 01:21 PM

    These yummy strawberry pancakes look fluffy and filled up with juicy berries in every bite. What a nice taste!

    • Reply
      Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 at 01:58 PM

      Thanks, they are delicious!

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