Colombian Torta María Louísa

Torta Maria Louisa aus Kolumbien

Today I am introducing a Colombian cake to you, which is similar to the Victoria Sponge Cake, it is called Torta María Louisa! The main difference is that you will soak it in orange juice and instead of jam fill it with caramel cream made from sweetened consdensed milk. Torta María Louísa is not only common in Colombia, but also in Venezuela and El Salvador. Whereas I have seen recipes with two different fillings and a meringue outside, I decided to stick to the classic and keep this cake simple. Two layers of orange cake sandwiched together with caramel.

Torta Maria Louisa aus KolumbienI always thought that my husband was not a big fan of this cake and therefore never bothered making it. However, one day a reader of my blog asked whether I had a recipe for her, so I took the chance and checked with my hubby again. It turned out, he had barely even heard of its existence and wouldn’t mind me trying it. Well, if this wasn’t an invitation for trying it, so I had to check out recipes. In the end I decided to go with a recipe in which the egg whites are beaten to meringue and then folded under. I felt that this yielded a softer and fluffier cake. On top of that I decided to soak the cake with additional orange juice after baking. I just poked it with a toothpick and then poured a bit of orange juice on top. Since arequipe, or the caramel cream is quite sweet, I felt the cake itself could be rather tart and should burst with orange flavor.

Torta Maria Louisa aus KolumbienCredit: Slightly adapted from dulcear (in Spanisch)

Torta María Louísa from Colombia

Serves: One 20 cm/8inch ∅ springform
Prep Time: 25min Cooking Time: 35min Total Time: 1hr

Torta María Louísa from Colombia is a delicious sponge cake that is filled with caramel cream.


  • 175 grams of butter at room temperature
  • A pinch of salt
  • 180 grams of regular sugar
  • 5 egg yolks and 5 egg whites
  • Zest of one lime
  • 120 grams of orange juice + 50 grams more for soaking the cake
  • 250 grams of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder

  • 300 grams of caramel cream made from sweetened condensed milk, how you can make it yourself, I explain here
  • Icing sugar for dusting



Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line the bottom of two 20cm/8inch springforms mit parchment paper.


Cream the butter with the salt for a few minutes, then add the sugar and cream again until fluffy. Slowly add the egg yolks, one at a time, incorporate each for at least 30 seconds. Add the zest and then add the flour, baking powder and orange juice slowly until you have a homogeneous batter.


Beat the egg whites separately until soft peaks form. Add about 1/3 to the batter, then fold in another third. Be sure to only gently fold in the last third, then divide evenly between the two springforms. If you have only one, fully fill. Bake for 30-35minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. The baking time will increase if you use only one form. While the cakes are still hot, poke with a toothpick and soak with additional orange juice. Let cool and release from the springform. If only making one, cut in half.


Evenly spread the caramel on one cake layer, place the second on top and sprinkle with icing sugar.

Torta Maria Louisa aus Kolumbien

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  • Reply
    Saturday April 3rd, 2021 at 01:04 PM


    • Reply
      Saturday April 3rd, 2021 at 10:28 PM

      Danke für die Inspiration!

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