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12 Recipes with Apples

Today I am doing a recap, 12 recipes with apples. I normally don’t like to eat a plain apple just like that, but I am all in, especially in fall and winter when it comes to apple slices in porridge, somehow app by les are extra perfect for this occasion. This year we got to do apple picking already. Some farms close to Munich offer this option. We went to the Holzerhof in Ismaning (I am not paid to mention this). You can pick apples as well as plums and it is a super pleasant experience. When you get there, they will let you know which type of apple you may find where and then let you to it, so you are free to try whatever apple type you want. I took home quite a big batch and had to make a lot of things with apples. So for that reason let me give you my 12 favorite reipces with apples:

Cakes and Cupcakes

#1 Apple Almond Cake, you will find apples inside the dough as well as part of a compote. The topping contains another apple for decoration.

Apfel-Mandel-Kuchen Continue Reading…

9 Recipes with Plums

Plum season is upon us, so I wanted to introduce you to recipes with this wonderful stone fruit. It probably comes as no surprise that my husband and me are fond of this fruit, there is a reason why there are so many recipes on the blog. I do hope that you will enjoy at least one recipe and give it a try. As always, I am happy to help, just contact me via Social Media, leave a comment or email me. So let’s get started:   #1 Broken-up pancakes with plum compote, have you every heard of kaiserschmarrn? The recipe just made it on the blog, but has been viewed more than 15,000 times already, give it a try!

Pflaumenstrudel mit Zimtstreuseln#2 Plum strudel, yes, we are making the strudel dough from scratch, but in the worst case just buy some!

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12 Recipes with Dulce de Leche

I probably sound like a broken record, but dulce de leche is as popular in Latin America as is Nutella in Europe. This caramel is made from milk and sugar. You will find plentiful recipes featuring dulce de leche. It may be used as a filling or it will serve as a thin layer. It can be a simple dollop served with flan. You will be able to spread it on bread (just like Nutella) or you can simply eat it by the spoonful. I am telling you, there is a reason why this caramel is so popular. Today I will introduce twelve recipes from Latin America containing dulce de leche, one is from Russia. So which recipe is your favorite?

Let’s first start with the basic recipe for dulce de leche:

Selbstgemachte dulce de leche

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Coffee Date No. 14: Why there are so many Latin American Recipes on my Blog

Today I am inviting you to a special coffee. I am going to explain why there are so many Latin American recipes on my blog. So grab a coffee or a tea and let me get started. You will see a traditional Colombian breakfast in the featured picture. These are tamales, which is food steamed in banana leaves accompanied by hot chocolate. Yes, this is something you will eat for breakfast in Colombia, I am not kidding. So just as this may be a very unusal coffee, I am also inviting you to grab something out of the ordinary for your “coffee”. The short answer to the original question is because I was born in Uruguay and because my husband is Colombian. Obviously both of us are interested in eating food we ate as a child. So there definitely is a nostalgic factor, for sure. But apart from the very simple and egoistic “I want to eat food I am familiar with”, I started this blog because I wanted to

Uruguays Version einer Pfirsichtorte (postre chajá)A nostalgic recipe: Peach cake from my birth city Paysandú, Uruguay

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20 Recipe Ideas for Easter

You still need inspiration for Easter? Look no further, I have 20 recipes neatly organized for you. Starting with yeast dough, followed by breakfast/brunch, cupcakes and Easter cakes. I will keep it short, enjoy Easter, spring, hope and the beginning of warm(er) days!

#1 Yeast Dough

The best braided yeast dough

Fluffig weicher Hefezopf oder Osterzopf









Traditional yeast dough from the Ukraine: Paska

Paska, ukrainisches Osterbrot









Chocolate hot cross buns

Schokoladige Hot-Cross-Buns









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Grandma’s Peppermint Cookies

Today I wanted to introduce a recipe from my grandma again, which I found in her little handwritten recipe booklet: peppermint cookies. I had to order the peppermint oil and I wondered how my grandmother got hold of it back in the days. This recipe also requires baking ammonia, which you can find in Germany during the season, but I have no idea where to get it in the U.S.  Maybe in a pharmacy? I kid you not, my grandmother has about 10 different peppermint cookies in her recipe book and about half of them require baking ammonia and all do require peppermint oil. When making them, you may think of dying your hair, but the baked cookies won’t taste anything like that. The baking ammonia makes these cookies extra soft and extra fluffy. If you are a peppermint lover, these cookies are for you!

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More Than 20 Seasonal Cookies

Plätzchen backen

I learned recently that it is common in Germany to serve a plate full of Christmas cookies on the first of advent (this year on November 27th). I know, this is different than in the U.S. Christmas is already full in force here as we don’t have Thanksgiving. So I figured I would show you more than 20 cookie recipes to choose from. I decided to pick unusual recipes, recipes you haven’t tried yet, many of them from the U.S., but also from Latin America and some German ones that are not that common. I hope you find some to your liking.

#1 Brownie cookies from the U.S.

Zartschmelzene Brownie-Cookies Continue Reading…

Pup Cake for a Pup’s Birthday

Hund isst Geburtstagstorte

Today you will get the recipe for a pup’s cake as our Australian Shepherd Hazel turned 1 recently. She gobbled up this birthday cake within minutes, I was quite surprised. I will never forgot how in August 2021 we picked her up from the breeder. It was a hot day. At the beginning having a puppy is quite demanding. It’s like having a mobile baby, she didn’t know when she simply needed to sleep and got all naughty and grumpy. By now we have figured out how to get along with each other. It takes a while to understand and communicate properly. Currently she is a teenager, just like a human teenager she is a bit rebellious and we need to show her her boundries again. But compared to the first months, I am sure we will get through this as well. But now back to the cake. Our dog loves strawberries and whipping cream. I know that some dogs have problems digesting airy products, so before you make this cake, be sure to check whether all ingredients can be eaten by yours.

Torte für Hundegeburtstag Continue Reading…

My Favorite 20 Chocolate Recipes

Meine 20 liebsten Schokorezepte

Probably you are not going to believe me when I say that it was extremely hard for me to narrow down the list of chocolate recipes and reduce them to 20 only. Yes, I am a chocoholic, day or night, summer or winter, I will happily eat chocolate. Chocolate for breakfast, why not? It doesn’t come as a surprise that I have a full chocolate category on my blog. Today I am presenting 20 of my favorite chocolate recipes, simply, because I am celebrating this entire week with other bloggers I invited to make something with chocolate for me. I am celebrating that I don’t have premanent damage after my bike accident five years ago. Despite brain bleeding, a concussion, and a tooth I cut in half. Today, April 23, marks the day when I had the accident. I celebrate every year, with you and other bloggers. If you would like to learn more about the accident and my fifth anniversay, please check this blog post.

I am also excited that at least five of below recipes are among the top 10. Apparently I am not the only one who loves chocolate. I once managed to even with a recipe prize with this chocolate mousse cherry cake and had the chance to go to the chocolate festival in Tübigen. But let’s get  back to the 20 chocolate recipes below. Which one is your favorite?

Layer Cakes and Cupcakes

Raspberry chocolate cake

Super moist chocolate cakes and a fruity raspberry filling, which isn’t too sweet and also not as heavy as buttercream. Many of you made this cake and love it as much as I do. I published a similar recipe recently as German bakers prefer sponge cake as the base- Please find that recipe here.

Saftige Himbeer-Schoko-Torte

Black forest cake

This classic German cake in its very classic version. Chocolate sponge, lots of cherry filling, and whipping cream plus chocolate shavings.

Klassische Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte Continue Reading…

Colombian Tamales

Kolumbianische tamales

Today I am introducing Colombian tamales. This means an assortment of meat and corn mash, which is steamed in wrapped banana leaves for about an hour. I don’t think you can imagine how nervous I was when I found out that the local produce owner here in Munich actually could get me fresh banana leaves. So far I had only eaten tamales on vacation in Colombia. Usually they are served for breakfast and devoured with Colombian hot chocolate. However, since this is a savory dish, it will also taste great as the main course for dinner. I had often wondered whether it was possible to make them in Germany. But since I had not seen banana leaves being sold anywhere, I had not attempted Colombian tamales. This was over now! Finally I got hold of banana leaves! And I quickly learned why tamales are usually prepared by the entire family and not one person only. Preparing the tamales definitely was a full-family business. I had listened to stories of Colombians who had nothing else to do than to put their index finger on the yarn so that the designated mom/grandma/aunt could be sure that the tamales were sealed all proper. That was their entire job for the small children, nothing else. Since making tamales does require quite a bit of work and contains many components, usually they are made in large batches, anything below 15 tamales is not worth the effort. And if you keep in mind that Colombian families are large and include many more people than only the nucleus family, it does make sense to prepare 30 or more. Making Colombian tamales felt to me like an accolade of the highest nature and thus I was nervous of whether I could achieve this as a German who happened to be married to a Colombian.

Kolumbianische tamales tolimenses Continue Reading…