12 Recipes with Apples

Today I am doing a recap, 12 recipes with apples. I normally don’t like to eat a plain apple just like that, but I am all in, especially in fall and winter when it comes to apple slices in porridge, somehow app by les are extra perfect for this occasion. This year we got to do apple picking already. Some farms close to Munich offer this option. We went to the Holzerhof in Ismaning (I am not paid to mention this). You can pick apples as well as plums and it is a super pleasant experience. When you get there, they will let you know which type of apple you may find where and then let you to it, so you are free to try whatever apple type you want. I took home quite a big batch and had to make a lot of things with apples. So for that reason let me give you my 12 favorite reipces with apples:

Cakes and Cupcakes

#1 Apple Almond Cake, you will find apples inside the dough as well as part of a compote. The topping contains another apple for decoration.

Apfel-Mandel-Kuchen#2 Butter Sheet Cake with Apples and Caramel Sauce, the sheet cake is made with yeast dough and then served with apples and almonds, I like to sprinkle mine with caramel sauce.

Butterkuchen mit Äpfeln und Karamellsoße#3 German Apple Cake, the German answer to apple pie.

#4 Healthy Apple Sheet Cake with Few Ingredients, the dough contains three ingredients, a lot of apples and this cake can be done without refined sugar.

Einfacher und gesunder Apfel-Blechkuchen

#5 Apple Cupcakes with Caramel Sauce, again you have apples in the dough and they are frosted with a caramel frosting, yum.

Saftige Apfel-Cupcakes mit Karamellsahne

Pies and Tarts

#6 Classic Apple Pie, if you are looking for the classic reipce, this is it.

Klassischer Apple Pie aus USA#7 Deep-Dish Apple Pie with Caramel Sauce, obviously this pie contains a lot of apples and also has caramel as a sweetener in the filling.

Apple Pie mit Karamell

#8 Tarte Tatin, the classic upside down dish from France with 5 ingredients.

Tarte Tartin

Other Cakes

#9 Pumpkin Roll with Apple Filling, just as the name suggests, the roll is made with pumpkin puree and then filled with a nice apple filling.

Kürbisbiskuitrolle mit Apfelcreme

#10 Cheesecake with Caramel and Apple Filling, this one contains a no-bake cookie crust, and has a cheesecake with apple compote. This is then topped off with caramel.

Käsekuchen mit Apfelkompott und Karamell


#11 Classic Apple Strudel, perfect to use up a lot of apples, more than a kilo is used here. You may also enjoy Viennese apple strudel with roasted bread crumbs.

#12 Apple Turnovers with Puff Pastry, yes, we will make the dough from scratch and fill it with a delicious apple filling.

Buttrige Apfeltaschen mit Blitzblätterteig


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  • Reply
    Das Mädel vom Land
    Friday September 22nd, 2023 at 12:28 AM

    Jedes einzelne Rezept würde ich SOFORT nachbacken wollen. Aber so kurz nach Mitternacht ist das vielleicht doch keine so grandiose Idee 😉
    Ich blinzle auf jeden Fall mal den Apfeltaschen zu, das könnte bald was werden ♥
    Alles Liebe zu dir!

    • Reply
      Friday September 22nd, 2023 at 12:42 PM

      Dass du nicht nach Mitternacht noch anfängst Kuchen zu backen, ist klar. Falls du die Teigtaschen nachbacken solltest, melde dich gerne. Ich stehe gerne bei Fragen oder Problemen bereit! Grüße, Jenny

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