How to Remove Hard Caramel Fast

Today you will get a lot of tips on how to remove hard caramel fast. You can watch in this reel how I do it. The short answer is: you need (boiling) water and a bit of time. This is possible without any hardcore scrubbing. In addition, you will find my favorite recipe for caramel below plus a lot of recipe ideas using caramel.

I will explain below how you get from the picture on the left to the picture on the right within five minutes

Below is also a recipe for homemade caramel

#1 Fastes Way of Removing Caramel (watch also this reel)

  • Boiling water
  • Some detergent
  • A bit of time


Make sure to cover all parts with caramel with boiling water, add a little bit of detergent. You need to be sure that you cover all caramel. If possible, boil the water further, this will make the caramel dissolve even faster. If you have caramel on the side of a pot, just place it in a casserole or similar sideways and cover with boiling water. Wait a few minutes, then the caramel should be gone.


  • Fastest ( about 5-10min)
  • No scrubbing necessary
  • Ideal if you have caramel stuck in post and pans, you can simply boil the water even more
  • Disadvantage: may be hard to achieve with sensitive surfaces

As you can see on the pictures, I filled this pot with quite a bit of water as I also wanted to get rid of the caramel on the sides

The caramel on the sides is still visible, so I boiled the water in that pot for a bit

5 minutes later the caramel on the sides is also gone

#2 Second Fastes Version to Remove Hard Caramel:

  • Cold water
  • More time

If you don’t need the pot/pan etc. right away, you may use cold water. The process is similar, however, this will take longer, you don’t need any detergent.


Make sure to cover all parts with caramel with water. If you have caramel on the side of a pan, place the pan in a casserole or similar or put a spoon so that you can tilt the pot and make sure to cover all caramel parts with water. Using cold water also does the trick, however, this will take longer, sometimes a few hours. But that’s it, water and patience is all you need.


  • No scrubbing necessary
  • Sensitive surfaces can easily be cleaned
  • Disadvantage: may take a few hours until all of the caramel has dissolved

This is how the pot looked like once I discarded the caramel water

Homemade Caramel

Serves: About 250ml
Prep Time: 5min Cooking Time: 15min Total Time: 20min

Homemade caramel is not hard to make and only needs a few ingredients.


  • 200 grams of regular sugar
  • 90 grams of butter at room temperature
  • 120 grams of heavy cream
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of salt



Heat the sugar in a large frying pan on low medium until it gets clumpy and turns to amber color. It is important not to burn, so rather err on the temperature being a bit lower. It may take a few minutes before you see anything happen. Once the sugar is starting to melt, you can stir until all of it is amber color. Then add the butter (be careful!), once the butter is fully incorporated, add the cream (again, it may bubble, be careful). Let everything simmer for about a minute. If using salt, stir in last. Transfer to a sterilized jar and let cool, it will harden. If you want it more liquid, gently reheat.

Below you will find a lot of recipes with caramel. But I didn’t want to stop there, you may have heard of the cousin of caramel called dulce de leche. Dulce de leche is also caramel, but has a higher content of milk, it basically is a mix of sugar and milk. I have two recipes for dulce the leche, one is  dulce de leche from a can and another recipe for dulce de leche made in a frying pan. If you are interested in recipes that use dulce de leche, how about these 12 recipes with dulce de leche.

Below some inspiration with regular caramel:

Caramel cake










Chocolate caramel tart

Chocolate Caramel Tart









Tarantella de manzanas, Argentinian bread pudding









Cheesecake with apples and caramel

Käsekuchen mit Karamell und Äpfeln









Apple pie with caramel

Apple Pie mit Karamell









Sheet cake with apples and caramel

Butterkuchen mit Äpfeln und Karamellsoße









Apple cupcakes with caramel

Saftige Apfel-Cupcakes mit Karamellsahne









Brownie with caramel

Fudgy Brownies mit Karamell










Uruguayischer Flan









Coconut flan









Pineapple flan

Flan de piña oder Ananasflan









Leche asada

Leche asada, Dessert aus Südamerika









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