Simple and Delicious Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Unaufgeregte Schoko-Haferkekse

These simple and delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are perfect for any and every occaison. They contain a lot of oatmeal, are chewy, with a nice buttery flavor, and contain a lot of chocolate chips. I love cookies this way. Apparently I am not the only one who loves these cookies. I invited a whole bunch of girls for coffee the other day and these cookies were gone so quickly, I was really surprised. Several asked for the recipe. That is always a good sign.

Unaufgeregte Schoko-HaferkekseYou need to know that baking cookies is something only reserved for the holidays in Germany. Baking cookies throughout the year is something that is only starting. Finally it is possible to find cookies in bakeries, but usually only a few different ones. I am so glad that this is finally changing. Funnily enough, if you offer a cookie to anyone, young or old, people will not decline. But for some reason we still don’t bake as many cookies as Americans. Hopefully that will change soon. Especially since I am a huge cookie monster and love cookies any time of the year. Especially such a classic oatmeal chocolate chip cookie like this one.

Unaufgeregte Schoko-HaferkekseI will never understand why whipping up some cookie batch is so comforting for me. Is it because you can usually prepare and bake a cookie within a timeframe of an hour? Is it because it is perfect for impatient people like me? I don’t know why, but when I was preparing this cookie batch, I couldn’t help but take a picture of this beautiful batch. The light was just perfect and it looked so inviting. I could barely wait for the cookies to bake until I was finally allowed to bite into one. Can I interest you in also making this delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookie?

Unaufgeregte Schoko-HaferkekseCredit: Slightly adapted from Sally’s Baking Addiction

Simple Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Serves: About 22-24 Cookies
Cooking Time: 10min preparation + chilling + 10min of baking


  • 190 grams of butter, at room temperature
  • 150 grams of brown sugar
  • 50 grams of regular sugar
  • 2 eggs, size L, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, see here how to make your own
  • 1 tablespoon of molasses
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 190 grams of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 240 grams of rolled oats
  • 200 grams of chocolate chips



Cream the butter with the sugars for a few minutes until light and fluffy, add eggs, vanilla extract and molasses and cream until combined. Add cinnamon, flour, and baking soda and only mix until combined. Lastly add the oats and chocolate chips and only mix until combined. Chill for about half an hour in the fridge as this will make it much easier to roll the cookies and also help them not to spread.


Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Roll balls into the size of a golf ball and bake about 9 cookies per baking sheet for about 10 minutes or until slightly golden.

Unaufgeregte Schoko-Haferkekse

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  • Reply
    Thursday January 28th, 2021 at 01:41 PM

    Die Haferkekse sind der Hammer. Meine Familie ist begeistert!! Ich nehme weniger Zucker, da es uns sonst zu süß wird.
    In der nächsten Runde versuche ich mal mit Cranberris, Rosinen, Haselnüssen, Mandeln oder so…
    Sind auch super auf Ausflügen wenn die Beine schlapp werden.
    Danke fürs Rezept, danach habe ich schon lange gesucht.

    • Reply
      Thursday January 28th, 2021 at 01:45 PM

      Das freut mich sehr! Ich selbst reduziere auch oft den Zucker, jedem so wie er es mag. Wenn du magst, darfst du auch gerne noch mit Sternen bewerten.

  • Reply
    Daniela Imort
    Thursday August 26th, 2021 at 01:36 PM

    Die Haferkekse sind mega lecker,hab sie jetzt schon öfter gemacht da selbst mein Mann die Kekse isst,das soll was heißen.

    Vielen Dank für das Rezept ?
    Liebe Grüße Danny

    • Reply
      Thursday August 26th, 2021 at 01:58 PM

      Ganz herzlichen Dank! Wenn du magst, kannst du noch eine Sternebewertung abgeben, direkt oben beim Rezept.

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