More Than 20 Seasonal Cookies

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I learned recently that it is common in Germany to serve a plate full of Christmas cookies on the first of advent (this year on November 27th). I know, this is different than in the U.S. Christmas is already full in force here as we don’t have Thanksgiving. So I figured I would show you more than 20 cookie recipes to choose from. I decided to pick unusual recipes, recipes you haven’t tried yet, many of them from the U.S., but also from Latin America and some German ones that are not that common. I hope you find some to your liking.

#1 Brownie cookies from the U.S.

Zartschmelzene Brownie-Cookies#2 Ginger cookies with chocolate from Germany

Ingwerplätzchen mit frischem Ingwer

#3 Chocolate sandwich cookies with dulce de leche (alfajores) from Uruguay

Alfajores aus Uruguay

#4 Snickerdoodles from the U.S.

Weiche Zimtkekse aus USA: Snickerdoodles5 Old-fashioned peppernuts from Germany

Pfeffernüsse nach Omas Rezept

#6 Baci di dama (hazelnut cookies from Italy)

Baci di Dama oder Damenküsse aus Italien

#7 Salami cookies from Uruguay (with sweet ingredients of course)

Salchichón de Chocolate oder Schoko-Salami

#8 Oatmeal buttermilk cookies from Germany

Einfache Haferflockenkekse#9 Vanilla sandwich cookies with dulce de leche from Uruguay (classic alfajores)

Klassische Alfajores aus Uruguay#10 Chocolate cookies with a caramel center from the U.S.

Dunkle Schoko-Cookies mit Karamell

Of course I have typical German Christmas cookies on the blog as well, such as gingerbread, vanilla crescents, cinnamon stars and Linzer. I decided to show you some pictures with the cookies and numbered them for you to easily find. I hope there are some to your liking.

Gefüllte Keksdose zu Weihnachten

  1. Brownie cookies (often declared the favorite)
  2. Easy cinnamon stars
  3. Biscoff pretzels (fromed to pretzels and dunked in chocolate)
  4. (“Ugly Sweater”) gingerbread
  5. Baci di dama (hazelnut cookies)
  6. Snickerdoodles
  7. Nutella chocolate chip cookies
  8. Chocolate chip cookies with instant pudding
  9. Wreath cookies with rosemary from another blogWeihnachtlicher Plätzchenteller mit verschiedenen Keksen
  10. Linzer cookies
  11. Oatmeal buttermilk cookies
  12. Sugar cookies with chocolate filling
  13. Coffee alfajoresRezepte für Weihnachtsplätzchen
  14. Cute santas made from sugar cookies
  15. Sugar cookies with royal icing
  16. Black and white sugar cookies
  17. Stained glass cookies
  18. Vanilla crescents

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Sunday December 10th, 2023 at 01:49 PM

    Ich kenn es definitiv auch so, dass man den plätzchenteller zu Weihnachten auf den Tisch stellt, nicht im Advent. Im Advent backe ich und probier auch mal ein paar, aber die Plätzchen sind für Weihnachten….

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