My Nine Favorite Recipes with Pumpkin

Lieblingsrezepte mit Kürbis

My nine favorite recipes with pumpkin. Finally it is the season again for my beloved pumpkin. So let me introduce to you my favorite recipes, be it breakfast, in a cookie, a cake, cupcake or in waffles, let this orange vegetable shine. What is your favorite recipe with pumpkin?


Vegan pumpkin rolls in pumpkin form

I find them so adorable and they are always a crowd-pleaser.

pumpkin roll


Crunchy pumpkin waffles

We already had several batches this year for Sunday breakfast. If you are too lazy, you can simply add pumpkin pie spice…

Fluffige Kürbiswaffeln

Cakes, cupcakes & cookies

Pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting

They have more of a cake-like texture, but I love them.

Rezept für Kürbis-Cookies mit Frischkäse-Topping


Cute pumpkin cookies

You will find pumpkin puree in the dough as well as in the shape of these cookies.

Kürbis-Plätzchen in Kürbisform


Pumpkin layer cake

Yes, this cake does require quite a bit of work, but I think it is so worth it.


Pumpkin roll

As a huge fan of any rolls, it was obvious that I would need to mention this recipe.

Kürbisbiskuitrolle mit Apfelcreme


Pumpkin cupcakes with caramel

Pumpkin does pair beautifully with caramel, you need to give these cupcakes a try.

Pumpkin Cupcake with Caramel

Main course

Vegan pmpkin pasta from two ingredients

Yes, we have also eaten this pasta this year already. It is so simple and easy to prepare. Extra plus, it is vegan.

Vegane Kürbis-Pasta aus zwei Zutaten


Pumpkin spice latte

So much better than at Starbucks and not that hard to make.

Pumpkin Spice Latte

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